A Console application dedicated to distribute the masternode rewards to make it easier and faster to send the respective amount on shared masternodes. It was created and tested using $PAC Cryptocurrency, but has features that makes it compatible with others.
If you are sharing a masternode with more than one person, is not the fastest way to make the payment of the rewards to each person manually. So the main motivation of this project is to automate this process and avoid to lose time sending the respective payments to each person
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
1. Cryptocurrency Wallet based on Bitcoin and compatible with MN.
2. RPC Server Configured (Instructions detailed below)
3. Some destination addresses saved in the Wallet.
4. It is important that your computer has the correct hour according to the timezone
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
$ git clone https://github.com/cvaldezissc/mn-trustmatic.git
$ cd mn-trustmatic
# This is for you to introduce your own configurations
$ cp config/default_example.json config/default.json
$ nano config/default.json
$ npm install
$ node index.js
Disclaimer those steps can be reproduced in all cryptocurrency wallets that are compatible with masternodes
$ nano ~/.paccoincore/paccoin.conf
Mac OS
$ nano ~/Users/your_user/Library/Application Support/PaccoinCore/paccoin.conf
Windows Key + R Type %appdata% + enter Go and find paccoin.conf file and open it with any Text Editor
And change the configuration with the next values:
# Add the configuration to the file
Setting Key | Data Type | Default Value | Purpose |
title |
string | "MN Trustmatic" | Be the title of the program name, when it is started |
coin |
string | "Paccoin" | It is to have the name of the of the cryptocurrency to label |
symbol |
string | "$PAC" | The symbol of the cryptocurrency |
storeType |
string | "file" | Idicates where to save the log of transactions, where to save it file a single file, database for a MongoDB or none for not to save anywhere |
filePathAndName |
string | "transactions.txt" | Is the path of the destination file where we are going to save the registry of the sent transactions |
dbSettings |
object | [] | It is for stabilish the base connection to a Mongo DB in case of storeType property is set to database. |
wallet |
object | [] | Credentials to connect this application to a wallet using RPC and details of the passphrase with the format rpchost: localhost, rpcport: 7112, rpcuser: YOUR_RPC_USER, rpcpassword: YOUR_RPC_PASS, timeout: 60, passphrase: YOUR_WALLET_PASS |
locale |
string | "locale/en.json" | Path for a file which defines the strings |
addresses |
object[] | [] | They are the addresses to send their respective percentage of the masternode reward with the format: name:"YOUR_NAME", percentage: 15, address:"YOUR_COIND_ADDRESS" . |
blockedAmount |
number | 501000 | Represents the base amount to have locked and enable the current masternode |
masternodeRewardAmount |
number | 10350 | The amount of each masternode reward (in case of being fixed rate) |
mnOwnerFee |
number | 1.50 | Is the percentage of the reward to be sent to the MN owner for making this send |
mnOwnerAddress |
string | "" | Is the destination address from the masternode owner to pay the fee of managing the managing the node |
If you found a new issue please report it to Project Issues.
And if you want to add a new feature, please feel free to make a PR with this template PR Template
- Generate config file readable in all the project.
- Connect though RPC to a wallet
- Save in a file
- Save in MongoDB
- Save transaction details in a SQL DB (would need a script initializer)
- Add Locale translations
- Encrypt the information of the settings file to be more secure and not easily changed
- Add stronger validations when getting the settings
- Make a reporting system to get how much is earned by each person
- Add a wizard, when you run the program by the first time
- Investigate on how to convert this to a daemon or system service to make it automatically each time period``
- See how to obtain the addresses automatically from the wallet address book, not to dumpwallet command because it is dangerous to have the private key
- Adapt the best JS (ECMAScript 2017) practices to the project
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the Tags.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.