Functions exclusive to Hexus. They cannot be accessed through Roblox LocalScripts. This list is incomplete and does not include all the functions in Hexus!
Gets an object's metatable. Equivalent to getmetatable, except it ignores the __metatable field.
local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
Sets an object's metatable. Equivalent to setmetatable, except it ignores the __metatable field.
setrawmetatable(game, {})
Prints a message to Hexus' console tab.
printconsole("Hello, World!")
Gets Hexus' environment table.
local hexus_env = getgenv()
Gets Roblox' environment table.
local roblox_env = getrenv()
Gets the registry table.
local reg = getreg()
Sets the read-only property of a table to either true or false.
local t = {}
setreadonly(t, true) --lock table
Checks if the caller function is a function made by Hexus.
local is_hexus = checkcaller()
Attempts to compile a string and returns the function or nil and the error.
local f, err = loadstring("print('Hello, World!')")
if err then
Sets the clipboard content
setclipboard("Hello, Clipboard!")
Presses the left mouse button.
Releases the left mouse button.
Presses the right mouse button.
Releases the right mouse button.
Presses a key.
keypress(65) --press 'a' key
Releases a key.
keyrelease(65) --release 'a' key
Similar to getrawmetatable, but works on all value types.
local mt = debug.getmetatable(function() end)
local mt = debug.getmetatable("Hello, World!")
Similar to setrawmetatable, but works on all value types.
debug.setmetatable("", {__index = function() return "hi" end})
Sets an upvalue for a function
debug.setupvalue(f, "name", "value")
Gets an upvalue in a function
print(debug.getupvalue(f, "name"))
Returns a table containing all upvalues of the function
table.foreach(debug.getupvalues(f), print)