Since api version 1.4.3 this library is not supported in favor of pulse-api.
This folder contains Python
wrapper for the pulse robot REST api.
Tested on Python 3. Compatibility with Python 2 is not guarantied but underlying api is generated using
swagger-codegen so it may work for you.
Python 3.4+
Using pip:
pip install pulse-rest -i
to get the latest version.
To install specific version:
pip install pulse-rest==v1.v2.v3 -i
where v1, v2, and v3 (e.g. pulse-rest==1.3.1) are version numbers as listed below in compatibility table.
Pulse desk version | Python api version |
from 1.3.1 to 1.3.5 | 1.3.1 |
from 1.4.0 | 1.4.0 |
Example uses the latest version of library. You may need to change something in order to make it work in previous versions.
from pprint import pprint
from pulserest import *
# create an instance of the API wrapper class
host = "" # replace with valid robot address
robot = RobotPulse(host)
# create motion targets
zero_pose = pose([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
example_position = position([-0.33, -0.33, 0.43], [0, -1.1659, 0])
SPEED = 10
# add some obstacles to environment so that possible collisions are calculated
robot.add_to_environment(create_box_obstacle(Point(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), position((1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0)),
robot.add_to_environment(create_capsule_obstacle(0.1, Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.2), Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
robot.add_to_environment(create_plane_obstacle([Point(-0.5, 0.2, 0), Point(-0.5, 0, 0), Point(-0.5, 0, 0.1)],
# change robot tool, set tcp offset and set tool shape
tcp_position=position([0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0, 0]),
shape=[create_capsule_obstacle(0.02, Point(0, 0, 0), Point(0, 0, 0.1), 'tool_part_0')],
# execute desired actions
robot.set_pose(pose, SPEED)
robot.set_position(position, SPEED, MT_LINEAR)
# get some information
status_motors = robot.status_motors()
except RestApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling RestRobot %s\n" % e)
Method | HTTP request | Description |
add_to_environment | PUT /environment | Add obstacle to robot environment. |
change_base | POST /base | Setting a new zero point position |
change_tool | POST /tool | Setting tool properties |
close_gripper | PUT /gripper/close | Asking the arm to close the gripper |
freeze | PUT /freeze | Asking the arm to go to the freeze state |
get_all_from_environment | GET /environment | Getting robot environment. |
get_base | GET /base | Getting the actual position of the arm base |
get_digital_input | GET /signal/input/{port} | Get level of digital input signal |
get_digital_output | GET /signal/output/{port} | Get level of digital output signal |
get_from_environment_by_name | GET /environment/{obstacle} | Getting obstacle from robot environment by name. |
get_pose | GET /pose | Getting the actual arm pose |
get_position | GET /position | Getting the actual arm position |
get_tool | GET /tool | Getting actual tool properties |
identifier | GET /robot/id | Getting the arm ID |
open_gripper | PUT /gripper/open | Asking the arm to open the gripper |
pack | PUT /pack | Asking the arm to reach a compact pose for transportation |
recover | PUT /recover | Recover robot after emergency if it is possible. |
relax | PUT /relax | Asking the arm to relax |
remove_all_from_environment | DELETE /environment | Remove all obstacles from robot environment. |
remove_from_environment_by_name | DELETE /environment/{obstacle} | Remove obstacle from robot environment by name. |
run_poses | PUT /poses/run | Asking the arm to move to a pose |
run_positions | PUT /positions/run | Asking the arm to move to a position |
set_digital_output_high | PUT /signal/output/{port}/high | Set high level of digital output signal |
set_digital_output_low | PUT /signal/output/{port}/low | Set low level of digital output signal |
set_pose | PUT /pose | Setting a new arm pose |
set_position | PUT /position | Setting a new arm position |
status_motion | GET /status/motion | Getting the actual motion status |
status_motors | GET /status/motors | Getting the actual status of servo motors |
str robot.add_to_environment(body)
Add obstacle to robot environment.
Add obstacle to robot environment. Obstacle it is an object that is taken into account in the calculation of collisions.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | Obstacle | Request Body |
Position robot.change_base(position)
Setting a new zero point position
The function enables setting a new zero point position of the robotic arm as required for the current user environment (e.g., considering the surrounding equipment). The new zero point position is described as a set of x, y, and z coordinates, as well as roll, pitch, and yaw rotation angles. The coordinates define the desired offset (in meters) from the physical centerpoint of the arm base (original zero point) along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the rotation angle around the x axis; pitch - the rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the rotation angle around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians and relative to the physical centerpoint of the arm base.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
position | Position | Request Body |
Tool robt.change_tool(tool)
Setting tool properties
The function enables setting new TCP to account for the properties of an attached or changed work tool. The tool properties define the following: - name - any random name of the work tool defined by the user (e.g., "gripper") - position - a set of x, y, and z coordinates and rotation angles - roll, pitch, and yaw. The coordinates define the actual distance (in meters) from the arm's zero point to the new TCP along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the rotation angle of the new TCP around the x axis; pitch - the rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the rotation angle of the new TCP around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians. - radius - radius of the work tool (in meters) measured from its physical center point.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | Tool | Request Body |
Asking the arm to close the gripper
The function commands the robot to close the gripper. It has no request body, but the user can optionally set how long (in milliseconds) the arm should remain idle, waiting for the gripper to close. The default manufacturer-preset value is 500 ms. Note: Setting the parameter, it is recommended to use values above 0 ms.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
timeout | float | Time in milliseconds to wait for gripper closing | [optional] |
Asking the arm to go to the freeze state
The function sets the arm in the "freeze" state. The arm stops moving, retaining its last position. Note: In the state, it is not advisable to move the arm by hand as this can cause damage to its components.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
list[Obstacle] robot.get_all_from_environment()
Getting robot environment.
Return all obstacles from environment. Obstacle it is an object that is taken into account in the calculation of collisions.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Position robot.get_base()
Getting the actual position of the arm base
The function returns the actual position of the arm's zero point in the user environment. The actual zero point position is described as a set of x, y, and z coordinates, as well as roll, pitch, and yaw rotation angles. The coordinates define the offset (in meters) from the physical centerpoint of the arm base (original zero point) to the actual zero point position along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the rotation angle around the x axis; pitch - the rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the rotation angle around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians and relative to the physical centerpoint of the arm base.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Signal robot.get_digital_input(port)
Get level of digital input signal
The function returns the actual signal level on the digital input specified in the {port} parameter of the request path.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
port | int | The parameter indicates the number of a digital input is a physical port on the back panel of the control box. Since the control box has four digital inputs (DI), the parameter can have any integral value between 1 (corresponds to DI1) and 4 (corresponds to DI4). |
Signal robot.get_digital_output(port)
Get level of digital output signal
The function returns the actual signal level on the digital output specified in the {port} parameter of the request path.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
port | int | The parameter indicates the number of a digital output is a physical port on the back panel of the control box. Since the control box has two digital outputs, the parameter value can be either 1 (corresponds to Relay output 1) or 2 (corresponds to Relay output 2). |
Obstacle robot.get_from_environment_by_name(obstacle)
Getting obstacle from robot environment by name.
Return obstacle from environment by name. Obstacle it is an object that is taken into account in the calculation of collisions.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
obstacle | str | The parameter is the name of element from environment that you want to get. |
Pose robot.get_pose()
Getting the actual arm pose
The function returns the actual pose of the robotic arm. The pose is described as a set of output flange angles (in degrees) of all the six servos in the arm joints.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Position robot.get_position()
Getting the actual arm position
The function returns the actual position of the PULSE robotic arm, which is described as a set of x, y, and z coordinates, as well as roll, pitch, and yaw rotation angles. The coordinates define the actual distance (in meters) from the zero point of the robotic arm to the tool center point (TCP) along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the TCP rotation angle around the x axis; pitch - the TCP rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the TCP rotation angle around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians and relative to the zero point.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Tool robot.get_tool()
Getting actual tool properties
The function returns the actual TCP position that accounts for the offset from the original TCP due to attaching/changing the work tool. The actual TCP position is described as a set of the following properties: - name - any random name of the work tool defined by the user (e.g., "gripper") - position - x, y, and z coordinates, as well as roll, pitch, and yaw rotation angles. The coordinates define the distance (in meters) from the arm's zero point to the actual TCP along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the actual TCP rotation angle around the x axis; pitch - the actual TCP rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the actual TCP rotation angle around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians. - radius - radius of the work tool (in meters) measured from its center point.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
str robot.identifier()
Getting the arm ID
The function returns the unique identifier (ID) of the robotic arm. The ID is an alphanumeric designation that consists of individual servo motor identifications.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Asking the arm to open the gripper
The function commands the robot to open the gripper. It has no request body, but the user can optionally set how long (in milliseconds) the arm should remain idle, waiting for the gripper to open. The default manufacturer-preset value is 500 ms. Note: Setting the parameter, it is recommended to use values above 0 ms.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
timeout | float | Time in milliseconds to wait for gripper opening | [optional] |
Asking the arm to reach a compact pose for transportation
The function commands the robot to reach the pose that may be used for transportation
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
RecoverState robot.recover()
Recover robot after emergency if it is possible.
The function recovers the arm after an emergency, setting its motion status to IDLE. Recovery is possible only after an emergency that is not fatal—corresponding to the ERROR status.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Asking the arm to relax
The function sets the arm in the "relaxed" state. The arm stops moving without retaining its last position. In this state, the user can move the robotic arm by hand (e.g., to verify/test a motion trajectory).
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
str remove_all_from_environment()
Remove all obstacles from robot environment.
Remove all obstacles from robot environment. Obstacle it is an object that is taken into account in the calculation of collisions.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
str robot.remove_from_environment_by_name(obstacle)
Remove obstacle from robot environment by name.
Remove obstacle from robot environment by name. Obstacle it is an object that is taken into account in the calculation of collisions.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
obstacle | str | The parameter is the name of element from environment that you want to remove. |
str robot.run_poses(poses, speed, type=type, tcp_max_velocity=tcp_max_velocity)
Asking the arm to move to a pose
The function allows for setting a trajectory of one or more waypoints to move the robotic arm smoothly from one pose to another. In the trajectory, each waypoint is a set of output flange angles (in degrees) of the six servos in the arm joints. Two motion types supported: linear and joint. Default: joint. Note: Similarly, you can move the arm from one pose to another through one or more waypoints using the PUT/pose function. When the arm is executing a trajectory of PUT/pose waypoints, it stops for a short moment at each preset waypoint. With the PUT/poses/run function, however, the arm moves smoothly though all waypoints without stopping, which reduces the overall time of going from one pose to another.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
poses | [list[Pose]] | Request Body | |
speed | int | Speed of Robot | |
type | MotionType | [optional], default: JOINT | |
tcp_max_velocity | float | The parameter defines the limit velocity in meters per second that an end effector can reach at its TCP while moving. It is not mandatory. When the user specifies no value for it, it is set to default. The default setting is 2 m/s. | [optional] |
str robot.run_positions(positions, speed, type=type, tcp_max_velocity=tcp_max_velocity)
Asking the arm to move to a position
The function allows for setting a trajectory of one or more waypoints to move the robotic arm smoothly from one position to another. Two motion types supported: linear and joint. Default: joint. In the trajectory, each waypoint is described as a set of x, y, and z coordinates, as well as roll, pitch, and yaw rotation angles. The coordinates define the distance (in meters) from the zero point to the desired TCP along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the desired TCP rotation angle around the x axis; pitch - the desired TCP rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the desired TCP rotation angle around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
positions | [list[Position]] | Request Body | |
speed | int | Speed of Robot | |
type | MotionType | [optional], default: JOINT | |
tcp_max_velocity | float | The parameter defines the limit velocity in meters per second that an end effector can reach at its TCP while moving. It is not mandatory. When the user specifies no value for it, it is set to default. The default setting is 2 m/s. | [optional] |
str robot.set_digital_output_high(port)
Set high level of digital output signal
The function sets the digital output specified in the {port} parameter of the request path to the HIGH signal level.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
port | int | The parameter indicates the number of a digital output is a physical port on the back panel of the control box. Since the control box has two digital outputs, the parameter value can be either 1 (corresponds to Relay output 1) or 2 (corresponds to Relay output 2). |
str robot.set_digital_output_low(port)
Set low level of digital output signal
The function sets the digital output specified in the Port parameter to the LOW signal level. A digital output is a physical port on the back panel of the control box that controls the robotic arm.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
port | int | The parameter indicates the number of the digital output on the back of the control box that you want to set to the LOW signal level. Since the control box has two digital outputs, the parameter value can be either 1 (corresponds to Relay output 1 on the control box) or 2 (corresponds to Relay output 2 on the control box). |
str robot.set_pose(pose, speed, type=type, tcp_max_velocity=tcp_max_velocity)
Setting a new arm pose
The function commands the arm to move to a new pose. A pose is described as a set of output flange angles (in degrees) of the six servos integrated into the robot joints. Two motion types supported: linear and joint. Default: joint.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pose | Pose | Request Body | |
speed | int | Speed of Robot | |
type | MotionType | [optional] default: JOINT | |
tcp_max_velocity | float | The parameter defines the limit velocity in meters per second that an end effector can reach at its TCP while moving. It is not mandatory. When the user specifies no value for it, it is set to default. The default setting is 2 m/s. | [optional] |
str robot.set_position(position, speed, type=type, tcp_max_velocity=tcp_max_velocity)
Setting a new arm position
The function commands the arm to move to a new position. Two motion types supported: linear and joint. Default: joint. The position is described as a set of x, y, and z coordinates, as well as roll, pitch, and yaw rotation angles. The coordinates define the desired distance (in meters) from the zero point to the TCP along the x, y, and z axes accordingly. Roll stands for the desired TCP rotation angle around the x axis; pitch - the desired TCP rotation angle around the y axis; yaw - the desired TCP rotation angle around the z axis. All rotation angles are in radians.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
position | Position | Request Body | |
speed | int | Speed of Robot | |
type | MotionType | [optional] default: JOINT | |
tcp_max_velocity | float | The parameter defines the limit velocity in meters per second that an end effector can reach at its TCP while moving. It is not mandatory. When the user specifies no value for it, it is set to default. The default setting is 2 m/s. | [optional] |
MotionStatus robot.status_motion()
Getting the actual motion status
The function returns the actual state of the robotic arm - whether it is running (in motion), or idle (not in motion), or in the zero gravity mode.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
list[MotorStatus] robot.status_motors()
Getting the actual status of servo motors
The function returns the actual states of the six servo motors integrated into the joints of the robotic arm. The states are described as arrays of values for the following properties: - Angle - the actual angular position (in degrees) of the servo's output flange - Rotor velocity - the actual rotor velocity (in RPM) - RMS current - the actual input current (in Amperes) - Phase current - the actual magnitude of alternating current (in Amperes) - Supply voltage - the actual supply voltage (in Volts) - Stator temperature - the actual temperature (in degrees C) as measured on the stator winding - Servo temperature - the actual temperature (in degrees C) as measured on the MCU PCB - Velocity setpoint - the user-preset rotor velocity (in RPM) - Velocity output - the motor control current (in Amperes) based on the preset velocity - Velocity feedback - the actual rotor velocity (in RPM) - Velocity error - the difference between the preset and the actual rotor velocities (in RPM) - Position setpoint - the user-preset position of the servo flange in degrees - Position output - rotor velocity (in RPM) based on the position setpoint - Position feedback - the actual position of the servo flange (in degrees) based on the encoder feedback - Position error - the difference (in degrees) between the preset and the actual positions of the servo flange Each property in an array has six values - one for each of the six servos in the arm joints.
This endpoint does not need any parameter.