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OpenID Connect Demo

Quality Availability

This is a demo application to explain how the OpenID Connect code flow is implemented.


web.config is used as a configuration file for the example app. Change the values to match your system.

Name Type Mandatory Default Description
redirect_uri string The redirect uri to use, must be registered for the client at the OpenID Connect server.
client_id string The id for the client. Used to authenticate the client against the authorization server endpoint.
client_secret string The shared secret to use for authentication against the token endpoint.
scope string openid The scopes to ask for.
jwks_uri URL if issuer is not set and the openid scope is requested The URL that points to the JWK set.
authorization_endpoint URL if issuer is not set The URL to the authorization_endpoint.
token_endpoint URL if issuer is not set The URL to the token_endpoint.
issuer string if the openid scope is requested. The ID of the token issuer. This enables metadata discovery which will override the configuration set up in this file.
base_url string base url to be added to internal redirects. Set this to enable the client to be behind a proxy.


Assignment 1

Fill in the the missing data for the token request. Without the correct pararmeters, the application will not receive a token in exchange for the code. When an access_token is recevied, the assignment is fullfilled.

Assignment 2

Fill in the the missing data for the refresh request. When the assignment is done, you will receive a new refresh and access token.

Assignment 3

Fill in the the missing data for the revoke request. When the assignment is done, you won't get an error from the revoke request.

Assignment 4

Call the api with a invalid token, i.e. revoked. Use the token to call an api, and when the response from the API is 401 Unauthorized; refresh the access token and try again. Expect a successful response.

Assignment 5

Revoke the refresh_token token. Expect both the refresh token and access token to be invalidated.

Assignment 6

Get the the configuration of the client by deriving the address from the issuer name. Update the endpoint configuration from the metadata object.

Assignment 7

Call the jwks uri and cache the keys (in Application State)

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