This is a "dockerized" scrapyd instance with a custom spider automatically
deployed. It is meant to be a general purpose web scraper that can output
its raw crawl data file locally or to an Azure blob storage account.
The scrapy item looks like this:
- domain
- title
- description
- body
- h1
- h2
- url
- category
The spider takes custom parameters upon initialization. These are passed directly to the crawler class.
: the full web address of the site to crawl (eg -
: a regex string which tells the spider which URLs are valid to crawl (see
: a regex string which tells the spider which URLs are denied (see
: a boolean which tells the spider to crawl only the given url
: will tell the spider to upload the scraped data (in jsonlines format) to a filehost of your choice. In this case, we also use azure's Blob storage. The format for that url is:azure://account_name_:password@container/path1/path2/filename.jsonl
: The maximum depth that will be allowed to crawl for any site. If zero, no limit will be imposed. (
is left unset, then your spider will not save its output to a file. Your only ouput will be from
your item_pipelines.
If you want to "eggify" the project, simply run this command:
python clean -a bdist_egg -d <output_folder>
This will do all that is necessary to deploy your spider to scrapyd. You may have to edit scrapy.cfg.
Note, the preferred method is to use a
script. (See below).
There is a file called
that will quickly tag and push a new image to your registry.
Simply rename the file to and edit the tag names and host to which you want to push.
This is the preferred method. It will build the docker image and deploy the spider to a running scrapyd instance. You can then schedule jobs using the HTTP API on the docker images IP address.
NOTE: if using curl, you will need to replace +
chars wtih %2B
, otherwise it
gets eaten and turned into a
Calling from the command line:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=crawler -d spider=domain_spider -d url= -d setting=FEED_URI='azure://accountname:queXX59YrwTbm1KUj0lK1gXHv4NHrCfKxfxHy3bwQJ%2BLqFHCay6r1S/Yhw2Ot4Tk6p1zFakfjdaskfjnaksZgA==@sites/'
Required command line params for the domain_spider
`scrapy crawl domain_spider -a url= -s FEED_URI=${FEED_URI}`
You will want to pip install -r requirements/development.txt
so that you can edit the Azure blob storage codebase in
tandem with this repo (if necessary).
I don't know yet, but most likely MIT license.