Extends Chai with assertions about css.
$ npm i --save-dev chai-css
const Chai = require('chai')
const chaiCss = require('chai-css')
const expect = Chai.expect
expect('.foo {width:10rem;}').to.have.rule('.foo')
expect('.foo {width:10rem;}').to.not.have.decl('height')
expect('@media (max-width: 10px) { .foo { width:10px; } }').to.have.atRule('media', '(max-width: 10px)')
width: '10px',
webkitTransform: 'scale(1)'
is dependent on PostCSS. It extends rule
, atRule
and decl
for Chai, which are common in PostCSS. With the three methods, we can easily make assertion for CSS.
If you never meet PostCSS before, you should know:
is a selector in CSS, like "#wrap .item"atRule
is a CSS statement beginning with an at sign " @ ", like "@media (max-width: 10px)"decl
is CSS declaration, like "width"
First you should use the plugin in Chai.
import Chai, { expect } from 'chai'
import chaiCss from 'chai-css'
expect('#main .foo {width:10px;}').to.have.rule('#main .foo')
expect('#main .foo {width:10px;}').to.not.have.rule('#main')
expect('@media (max-width: 10px) {.foo{width:10px;}}').to.have.atRule('media')
expect('@media (max-width: 10px) {.foo{width:10px;}}').to.have.atRule('media', '(max-width: 10px)')
expect('@media (max-width: 10px) {.foo{width:10px;}}').to.not.have.atRule('media', '(max-height: 5px)')
expect('@charset "UTF-8";').to.have.atRule('charset', '"UTF8"')
expect('.foo { width: 10px; }').to.have.decl('width')
expect('.foo { width: 10px; }').to.not.have.decl('height')
expect('.foo { font-size: 16px; }').to.have.decl('font-size', '16px')
expect('.foo { width: 10px; width: 1rem; }').to.have.decl('width', '10px').and.decl('width', '1rem')
expect('.foo { width: 10px; font-size: 16px; }').to.have.decl({
width: '10px',
fontSize: '16px'
expect('.foo {width:10rem;width:10px;} .bar {width:0;color:#fff;}').to.have.rule('.foo')
.and.decl('width', '10px')
.and.decl('width', '10rem')
.and.not.have.decl('width', '0')
expect('@media (max-width: 10px) { .foo { width:10px; } }')
.to.have.atRule('media', '(max-width: 10px)')
.and.decl('width', '10px')
You can also provide a css file directly.
width: '10px',
webkitTransform: 'scale(1)'
To make assertions of Stylus or SASS directly, you can provide a synchronous function and it will be executed before each assertion.
As Stylus:
import Chai, { expect } from 'chai'
import chaiCss from 'chai-css'
import stylus from 'stylus'
const preprocessor = raw => stylus.render(raw)
$white = #fff
$black = #000
color $white
background $black
.and.decl('color', '#fff')
.and.decl('background', '#000')
// OR
$ npm i && npm test