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Music Player Daemon Current playing info

screenshot 3

screenshot 2

screenshot 3


- netifaces
- Pillow
- make_colors
- pydebugger
- mutagen >= 1.43.1
- requests
- PyQT5
- qdarkstyle
- qtmodern
- qt-material
- configset
- python-mpd2 / python-mpd
- xnotify (option for notification to growl/pushbullet/nmd/ntfy on nix/win)
- notify2 (option for local notification on nix)
- mimelist
- python 3+


cover: will check image file for local/remote before if run on local then will check tag, if not exist or cover not valid then will get cover from cover server or (api key requirement). (optional) run mpd as cover server (-s) with -S, -P and -p options on where mpd server running before if you want get cover from cover server.

    usage: mpdart [-h] [-s] [-S COVER_SERVER_HOST] [-P COVER_SERVER_PORT] [-p MUSIC_DIR] [--mpd-host MPD_HOST] [--mpd-port MPD_PORT]
          [-t SECOND]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -s, --cover-server    Run cover server
      -S COVER_SERVER_HOST, --cover-server-host COVER_SERVER_HOST
                            Listen cover server on, default = ""
      -P COVER_SERVER_PORT, --cover-server-port COVER_SERVER_PORT
                            Listen cover server on port, default = "8800"
      -p MUSIC_DIR, --music-dir MUSIC_DIR
                            Music dir from config file
      --mpd-host MPD_HOST   MPD Server host, default = ""
      --mpd-port MPD_PORT   MPD Server port, default = "6600"
      -t SECOND, --sleep SECOND
                            Time interval, default = 1 second
    MPD Client info + Art
  • example:
    # running as cover server on MPD Server
    python -s -S -P 8800 -p /mnt/musics
    # running mpdart as a client on any guest / pc
    python -p /mnt/musics
you can use config file `mpdart.ini` to direct setup some options



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