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NOTE: This gem is deprecated and has been replaced by:

Cul::Omniauth is a Rails engine to facilitate using Devise and Omniauth with the CAS offering from Columbia University IT.

Installing Devise

  1. Add gem 'devise' to Gemfile

  2. Run bundle install

  3. Run devise generator rails generate devise:install and follow devise specified instructions

  4. Add model, run rails g model User

  • Check Devise README for latest installation instructions

Install cul_omniauth

  1. Add gem cul_omniauth to Gemfile

  2. Run bundle install

  3. Change mixin in User model to include Cul::Omniauth::Users

  4. Create migration to remove encrypted_password field of user model

  5. Create migration to add uid and provider fields to user model, both are strings

More CAS configuration information at OmniAuth CAS

Configuring from a file

CAS configurable with Devise from config/cas.yml by mixin:

module MyModule
  class Application < Rails::Application
    include Cul::Omniauth::FileConfigurable

...then configuring from within the Devise initializer:

Devise.setup do |config|

The config file is called cas.yml, and following the CUIT CAS documentation should be similar to:

cas: &CAS
  login_url: /cas/login
  logout_url: /cas/logout
  service_validate_url: /cas/serviceValidate
  disable_ssl_verification: true
  provider: cas
saml: &SAML
  <<: *CAS
  provider: saml
  service_validate_url: /cas/samlValidate
wind: &WIND
  login_url: /login
  logout_url: /logout
  service_validate_url: /validate
  service: 'your_service_key_here'
  provider: wind

development: *CAS
test: *CAS
myapp_dev: *CAS
mypp_test: *CAS
myapp_prod: *CAS

... with the environment configurations for your Rails app including one of these configurations as appropriate. If your application uses affiliation attributes from CAS, it must use the :saml provider.

Controller Mixins

Using Devise and OmniAuth requires a Sessions controller and a Callbacks controller in the Users namespace.

Devise/OmniAuth Callbacks Controller

The Callbacks controller should subclass Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController and mixin Cul::Omniauth::Callbacks

class Users::OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
  include Cul::Omniauth::Callbacks

Devise Sessions Controller

The Sessions controller should subclass Devise::SessionsController and provide two methods:

class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  def new_session_path(scope)
    new_user_session_path # this accomodates Users namespace of the controller

  def omniauth_provider_key
    # there is support for :wind, :cas, and :saml in Cul::Omniauth


To ensure that devise uses the proper routes and controllers, change devise_for :users to:

devise_for :users, controllers: {sessions: 'users/sessions', omniauth_callbacks: 'users/omniauth_callbacks'}

In order to add sign_in and sign_out methods:

  devise_scope :user do
    get 'sign_in', :to => 'users/sessions#new', :as => :new_user_session
    get 'sign_out', :to => 'users/sessions#destroy', :as => :destroy_user_session

Authorizing Application Controllers

Once the authentication machinery is configured, users can be authenticated by including the appropriate Devise mixins:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Devise::Controllers::Helpers
  devise_group :user, contains: [:user]
  before_filter before_filter :authenticate_user!, if: :devise_controller?

Authorization is handled by separate libraries, although Cul::Omniauth is currently developed with CanCan support in mind.

Model Requirements

This gem assumes use of the Devise sessions model, though your application must still provide a User model. This User model should mixin the Cul::Omniauth::Users module:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Connects this user object to Blacklights Bookmarks and Folders. 
  include Blacklight::User
  include Cul::Omniauth::Users
  # additional application-local business


If your user model is not using database authenticatable and does not have a password column, you will need to add two dummy password methods (a getter and a setter). These methods are required by devise. You are having this problem if your user model can't find a password method. To solve this problem add the following methods to your model:

def password

def password=(*val)
  # NOOP

If your application is using CanCan for authorization, it will also need to provide an Ability model similar to:

class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability
  def initialize(user)
    @user = user || # default to guest user

More information about CanCan is available on the CanCan Github repository.