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This library is a high-level strongly typed client for the Kubernetes API for dynamically managing objects. It also serves as an Operator runtime (see below).

Getting started

Basic Usage

Currently Node 12.17.0+ is required (we use AsyncLocalStorage to keep the cluster connection). Make sure you have it.

// Configure a cluster connection:
const cluster = new ClusterConnection({
  baseUrl: "https://...",
  token: "...",

await cluster.use(async () => {
  // The connection is enabled here.

  // List and print all namespace names:
  const namespaces = await Namespace.list();
  for (const namespace of namespaces) {

Once inside a connection you can begin manipulating resources. A resource is either namespaced (lives inside a namespace) or global (lives inside the cluster itselt). Namespace is a global resource.

Supported global resources: Namespace Supported namespaced resources: Pod

Static methods:

Resource.get(name) or NamespacedResource.get(namespace, name)

Returns information about one specific object.


console.log(await Namespace.get("kube-system"));


Resource.create(metadata, spec)
