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lotsaram edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 3 revisions


This process will assign security to specified object(s) for specified group(s). Both pGroup and pObject parameters support delimited lists and wildcards.

Use Case: Intended for develpment or production.

  1. Set up initial security assignments.
  2. Update security assignments a business needs change.

Naturally, group (pGroup), object type (``pObjectType) and security level (`pSecurityLevel`) are mandatory otherwise the process will abort:

  • Multiple groups can be specified separated by delimiter.
    Object names (pObject) can be listed with delimiters but need to be valid as well.
  • Before using this process, you must first initialise object security.
  • For Applications, in Server Explorer go to Applications -> Security Assignments and assign an access security for an Application.
  • For other object types follow a similar process but for that object type.
  • Then from the Server Explorer go to your ServerName -> Security -> Refresh Security.
  • Multiple objects can be specified separated by delimiter.
  • If groups and/or objects that don't exist are specified, then they will be skipped but valid groups and ojects will still be processed.

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pGroup String REQUIRED: List of Groups Separated by Delimiter
pObjectType String REQUIRED: Type of Object to Assign Security To (Application/Cube/Dimension/Process/Chore)
pObject String REQUIRED: List of Objects Separated by Delimiter
pSecurityLevel String REQUIRED: Security Level (Read/Write/Admin/None)
pSecurityRefresh String No OPTIONAL: Refresh Security? (Default = No)
pDelim String & OPTIONAL: Delimiter (default value if blank = '&')

Full Process Dependencies

Process doesn't call any dependencies.

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