Italian translation of CUBA Platform (plus open source add-ons) implemented as an add-on.
NOTE: This add-on's repository is officially linked to the main CUBA repository.
You can use CUBA Studio / IntelliJ IDEA to add it to your project: choose the CUBA -> Marketplace...
menu item,
find the Italian Translation add-on, then click on the Install
The following table shows which version of the add-on is compatible with which version of the framework:
Platform Version | Add-on Version | Coordinates |
6.10.* | 6.10.2 | it.nexbit.cuba.translationit:translationit-global:6.10.2 |
7.0.* | 7.0.0 | it.nexbit.cuba.translationit:translationit-global:7.0.0 |
7.1.* | 7.1.0 | it.nexbit.cuba.translationit:translationit-global:7.1.0 |
7.2.* | 7.2.1 | it.nexbit.cuba.translationit:translationit-global:7.2.1 |
The latest stable version is: 7.2.1
N/A - This component does not need any data