An automatic documentation generator for JavaScript within the Maven Reporting lifecycle.
The jsdoc3-maven-plugin is a maven plugin and maven report built for the purposes of generating jsdoc along with a Maven Build, or Maven Reporting lifecycle. By default, the plugin will bind to the site phase when used as a Maven Mojo or Maven Report, though this is configurable as with any other Maven plugin with goals.
It has been requested by enough users that we should provide both a Maven Mojo for people who prefer to generate documentation using the command line or don't care about producing a complete site, while other users prefer to simply generate a complete Maven Site with JSDoc included.
The following examples enumerate the most common POM configurations for the jsdoc3-maven-plugin. This plugin is made available through Sonatype and is synchronized with the central Maven repository.
The current release version is 1.2.0, using jsdoc3 3.3.2.
The jsdoc3-maven-plugin can fit into both the Maven Build and Maven Report lifecycle and offers both a Mojo and MavenReport which provide the same API. The snippets of POM configuration below can be placed both within reporting.plugins as well as build.plugins.
Run the Mojo, this requires that the plugin be added via pluginManagement.
mvn clean jsdoc3:jsdoc3
Otherwise, you may use the maven site (as the examples above are configured):
mvn clean site
- directoryRoots - File[]: An Array of Files which will be used as directory roots, any file within this directory will be included into the final jsdoc argument list.
- recursive (Optional) - Boolean: A flag to indicate whether or not all directory roots should be searched and all files included recursively.
- lenient (Optional) - Boolean: A flag to indicate whether or not the generator should tolerate errors (false), or keep plodding along despite them (true).
- sourceFiles (Optional) - File[]: An Array of Files which will be included into the final jsdoc argument list.
- outputDirectory (Optional) - File: The place where jsdoc should be written. default: "${}/site/jsdoc"
- includePrivate (Optional) - Boolean: A flag to indicate whether @private symbols are included in the generated documentation.
- tutorialsDirectory (Optional) - File: A file indicating where jsdoc tutorial resources can be found.
- templateDirectory (Optional) - File: A file inddicating where jsdoc templates resources can be found.
- configFile (Optional) - File: A configuration file to be passed to jsdoc for more detailed project configuration.
- maven.jsdoc.skip - Boolean: A flag to skip JSDoc reporting. Utilized by both the Maven Report and Mojo.
Feel free to submit an issue ticket through github or contact me directly. I will help you.
The jsdoc3-maven-plugin has been released under Apache 2.0 as per all it's dependencies.
- Consolidate duplicated Plexus parameters between Mojo and Maven Report (using Groovy)
- Support remaining command line arguments
- Test coverage could be better
- Missing Mojo integration tests (so fix it already)