This app is designed to demonstrate the various components of the Android Support libraries, in particular, showing how to implement Material design into your app, using these controls.
This is not a complete example (but will be growing), and is intended to provide a high-level overview of many of the main controls in the Support and Design libraries:
Sept 15, 2015
- AppCompatActivity
- CoordinatorLayout
- AppBarLayout & Toolbar
- RecyclerView (with ItemDecorators)
- LinearLayoutManager
- GridLayoutManager
- StaggeredGridLayoutManager
- Snackbar
- TabLayout
- AppCompat Tinting
- NavigationView
- Snackbar
- SwitchCompat
- AlertDialog
- CardView
- FloatingActionButton
- TextInputLayout
- TextAppearance.AppCompat
Oct 22, 2015
- PercentageLayout
Apr 10, 2016
- Bottom Sheets
- Vector Drawables
- SharedElementTransition
This project was originally forked from the Cheesesquare project. Special thanks to Chris Banes.
Item Decorator from recyclerview-playground project. Special thanks to Dave Smith (DevUnwired.
- Android SDK, Build Tools and Support Repository
This project was originally created to support my presentation titled "Material Design Everywhere using the Android Support Libs".
- My most current slides from this presentation are posted here:
- The video from Droidcon NYC: