Framework for procedural mesh generation/visualization
The ultimate goal of this repository is a pipeline for generating content suitable for games, specifically large cities with unique, fully decorated building interiors, realistic roads, terrain, foliage, etc.
There are already suitable open-source starting points for such an endeavor as well as commercial products that cover the same domain (Houdini), but this repository is for self-education / fun; it is written almost entirely in Python without leaning heavily on external packages where possible and would be between these two examples in scope if in a completed state.
Currently it contains, to varying degrees of "prototyped", basic geometric primitives used in computational geometry (3-vector, quaternion, 2-D fields, planar polygons, planar graphs), classes for manipulation/visualization (2-manifold mesh, BSP trees, delaunay triangulation, L-systems, shader based OpenGL pipeline using ModernGL, scenegraphs, OBJ-exporter), and other supporting methods/classes for generating content using these objects (schema for arbitrary parameterization of a 2-manifold surface, medial axis approximation based on triangulation, terrain generation from SRTM data, L-systems).