FreshMvvm makes developing Xamarin.Forms-apps easier, but creating a new Page and PageModel can be tiresome, when all the references has to be set up correctly, and in the correct folders.
Thus I created this Visual Studio Extension that creates a blank FreshBasePageModel and FreshBaseContentPage (with d:DataContext for Design-time binding) with the naming-convention that FreshMvvm uses.
- From Visual Studio:
- "Tools" -> "Extensions and Updates..." -> "Online"
- Search for "FreshMvvm New Item Extensions"
- From .vsix file: (Choose one)
- Download from Visual Studio Marketplace.
- Download from GitHub release page.
- Right-click the PCL-project-root -> "Add" -> "New Item..."
- Select "Forms Blank FreshMvvm Page and PageModel"
- Enter the name of the Page/Page model you want to create. ("Quote" becomes "QuotePageModel" and "QuotePage")
- Click Add
And thats it!
Example output QuotePage.xaml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance pageModels:QuotePageModel}"
Example output QuotePage.xaml.cs:
using FreshMvvm;
namespace MyProject.Pages {
public partial class QuotePage : FreshBaseContentPage {
public QuotePage() {
Example output QuotePageModel.cs:
using FreshMvvm;
namespace MyProject.PageModels {
public class QuotePageModel : FreshBasePageModel {
If you encounter any issues, have any feature requests or pull requests, please do not hesitate to submit them!
I have only tested with Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2017.
- Thanks to Microsoft for creating Xamarin.Forms.
- Thanks to Michael Ridland for creating FreshMvvm for Xamarin.Forms.
- Thanks to Icons8 for providing free icon.