Releases: csc302-spring-2021/proj-DaTeam
Releases · csc302-spring-2021/proj-DaTeam
Phase 3: Class Demo
🌟 Features
- Response dashboard for with D3.js visualizations 🤩
- Patient and Procedure Management
- Search and filter patients and procedures
- Share read-only version of form response
- Patient selection dropdown in response creator view
- Integrate response validation
🐛 Bug Fixes
- No longer need to create a new patient each time you submit a form response
- Form rendered only rendered when response selected
🧰 Chores
- Switch to self-hosted GitHub action runners to get around billing limits
🙏 Thanks!
Special thanks to everyone for contributing @vermaarn @Timmarus @umar-ahmed @vinaykomaravolu @otomn @PersonalCorrect @tony-ze-yi @JinChunUofT
Phase 2: Project Report & Demo
🌟 Features
- Render a form
- Create a Patient and associate it with a Form Response
- Fetching and displaying all the forms and responses
- Display the form structure for each form
- Parse and store form from XML data
- Create and save form responses
- Implemented form response validation (but did not integrate it in our app yet)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed styling issue with close button
🧰 Chores
- Database integration
- CI for shared module
🙏 Thanks!
Special thanks to everyone for contributing @vermaarn @Timmarus @umar-ahmed @vinaykomaravolu @otomn @PersonalCorrect @tony-ze-yi @JinChunUofT
Phase 1: Vertical Slice
🌟 Features
- Responses page with dummy data
- Form Renderer that pulls form JSON from backend, parses it, validates, and renders it
- API route stubs (as defined in openapi.yml)
🐛 Bug Fixes
None, because this is the first release
🧰 Chores
- Frontend and backend tests
- Docker containerized deployment to Heroku
- Frontend and backend continuous integration workflows using GitHub Actions
🙏 Thanks!
Special thanks to everyone for contributing @vermaarn @Timmarus @umar-ahmed @vinaykomaravolu @otomn @PersonalCorrect @tony-ze-yi @JinChunUofT