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Set up Database

To set up the MongoDB server, it will have to be either self-hosted or hosted on an online cloud provider like Atlas. To self-host the database, visit the official website to download the server and follow the instructions to install it. To host it on a cloud provider such as MongoDB Atlas, which we recommend, visit the provider's website and follow instructions to set it up.

After setting up the MongoDB server, you should have both a URL and password for the new server. Keep these safe, as they will be required for the next step when setting up the Matron application.

Set up the Application

There are two options to set up the Matron application: it can either be set up to run locally on your own computer or hosted on a cloud provider like Heroku.

Set it up locally

  1. Download/install Python3 from the the official website.
  2. git clone to download the repository.
  3. cd team-project-3-matron to navigate to the correct directory.
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.
  5. cd app to navigate to correct directoy.
  6. python <DB_URL> <DB_PASS> to run the server with the given params.

Where <DB_URL> and <DB_PASS> are the URL and Password of your MongoDB server, in quotes.

Developing it locally

  1. After setting up the project locally, download/install NodeJS from the official website.
  2. npm install in the project root directory to install the dependencies.
  3. npm run dev to run the watch script that auto-recompiles the project on changes to app/static/js/index.js.

Note the build process takes some time, so wait about half a second after making changes before refreshing your browser.

Set it up on Heroku

  1. Download and install the Heroku command line interface from the official website and make an account.
  2. heroku login to log in to your Heroku account from the command line.
  3. git clone to download the repository.
  4. cd team-project-3-matron/app to navigate to the correct directory.
  5. heroku create to create a new Heroku app. You will then see a URL and password printed in the console, which will be the URL of the website once it's up.
  6. heroku config:set DB_URL=<THE URL FOR YOUR DB> and heroku config:set DB_PASS=<THE PASSWORD FOR YOUR DB> to the environment variables.
  7. git push heroku master to deploy the app to Heroku. You should then be able to access the application from the URL you got in step 4.

Main Routes

There are a few main routes which allow other applications to interact with the virtual blueprint. All routes are designed to accept GET requests.

  • /graph/names gets the names of all saved graphs in a list.

  • /graph/all_distances/<graphname> gets all distances between every pair of nodes in the <graphname> graph. The returned JSON data is in the following form

                [<float:distance>, <string:end_room_name],

    start_room_name is the label of a non-hallway node, and it maps to a dictionary of room types. Each room_type (for example, "supply room" or office) maps to a list of pairs (distance, end_room_name), where distance is the relative distance between start_room_name and end_room_name. This list is in ascending order, with the lowest distance first. The node labeled end_room_name is always of type room_type.

  • /graph/distances_from_room/<graphname>/<roomname> gets all distances between <roomname> and every other room in the <graphname> graph. The returned JSON data is in the following form

            [<float:distance>, <string:end_room_name],

    Each room_type (for example, "supply room" or office) maps to a list of pairs (distance, end_room_name), where distance is the relative distance between roomname and end_room_name. This list is in ascending order, with the lowest distance first. The node labeled end_room_name is always of type room_type.

  • /graph/distance_two_rooms/<graphname>/<room1>/<room2> gets the relative distance between <room1> and <room2> in the <graphname> graph, and returns this distance as a floating point value.


team-project-3-matron created by GitHub Classroom







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  • JavaScript 94.0%
  • Python 5.3%
  • Other 0.7%