Application : Corporate bonds that can be used as collateral for fast offchain payments This repo contains all the infrastructure part which made this possible with quorum deployment The bond contract is deployed at 0x451875bdd0e524882550ec1ce52bcc4d0ff90eae and you can attach
geth attach
2 repos: one dedicated to infrastructure part(this current one), and the other one dedicated to the Dapp part :
The idea is to deploy a quorum network between 4 validators nodes 4 AWS machines has been instancied and the quorum network is up and running Useful deployment files are under quorum_deployment folder
The challenge was to adapt quorum network setup examples currently available to cloud provider deployment, which was not so easy to do.
The challenge, which currently WIP, is to deploy POA network bridge between ethereum mainnet and a private quorum sidechain Instead of using POA Sokol network, we'll use our custom private quorum network It will allow people to lock some DAI into mainnet, to issue x$ equivalent in the quorum private chain, which will give the possibility to buy bonds directly
Create four t2.micro Ubuntu 18.04 instances on AWS with 8GB SSD
Create a new SSH keyPair and put it under ~/.ssh/ethparis.pem on your host
Give good permissions to ssh key on your host
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/ethparis.pem
Edit ~/.ssh/config on your host and add configuration for your 4 machines
Host aws-quorum-node-1
Port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ethparis.pem
Host aws-quorum-node-2
Port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ethparis.pem
Host aws-quorum-node-3
Port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ethparis.pem
Host aws-quorum-node-4
Port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ethparis.pem
Connect to each server like this
ssh aws-quorum-node-1
And install some useful stuff when you are connected to the remote server
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python build-essential
Verify that you can reach all your servers (ansible has to be installed on your host only). The output should be green with a 'SUCCESS' message
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -u ubuntu -m ping
ABORTED - Then build quorum on each machine (preferred one build on a 64bits linux machine then scp to all remotes validator nodes)
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -u ubuntu -a "git clone"
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -u ubuntu -a "wget"
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -u ubuntu -a "sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -b -m lineinfile -a 'dest=/etc/profile line="export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"'
Then build quorum on your host
git clone
cd quorum
make all
Copy the bin folder to the remote servers
scp -r build/bin aws-quorum-node-1:~/
scp -r build/bin aws-quorum-node-2:~/
scp -r build/bin aws-quorum-node-3:~/
scp -r build/bin aws-quorum-node-4:~/
Generate one account per validator on each server
geth account new
aws-quorum-node-1 c2379a1d4ff094eef9d7074afabbe4bdb29a565f
aws-quorum-node-2 8202d027c62c578ed3d8bd98f1f9a0a106f3f592
aws-quorum-node-3 64e0cebf10639346f43c6fbe5d5e728cdbede67c
aws-quorum-node-4 d6a47a9516cb53a54d3766858e7258c816a821b0
Use Puppeth on your host to create a new genesis file
Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, hyphens or capital letters please)
> nanti
Sweet, you can set this via --network=nanti next time!
INFO [03-09|17:19:20.416] Administering Ethereum network name=nanti
WARN [03-09|17:19:20.424] No previous configurations found path=/home/alex/.puppeth/nanti
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Show network stats
2. Configure new genesis
3. Track new remote server
4. Deploy network components
> 2
What would you like to do? (default = create)
1. Create new genesis from scratch
2. Import already existing genesis
> 1
Which consensus engine to use? (default = clique)
1. Ethash - proof-of-work
2. Clique - proof-of-authority
> 2
How many seconds should blocks take? (default = 15)
> 3
Which accounts are allowed to seal? (mandatory at least one)
> 0xc2379a1d4ff094eef9d7074afabbe4bdb29a565f
> 0x8202d027c62c578ed3d8bd98f1f9a0a106f3f592
> 0x64e0cebf10639346f43c6fbe5d5e728cdbede67c
> 0xd6a47a9516cb53a54d3766858e7258c816a821b0
> 0x
Which accounts should be pre-funded? (advisable at least one)
> 0xc2379a1d4ff094eef9d7074afabbe4bdb29a565f
> 0x8202d027c62c578ed3d8bd98f1f9a0a106f3f592
> 0x64e0cebf10639346f43c6fbe5d5e728cdbede67c
> 0xd6a47a9516cb53a54d3766858e7258c816a821b0
> 0x
Should the precompile-addresses (0x1 .. 0xff) be pre-funded with 1 wei? (advisable yes)
> yes
Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
> 1664
INFO [03-09|17:20:46.094] Configured new genesis block
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Show network stats
2. Manage existing genesis
3. Track new remote server
4. Deploy network components
Add support of quorum in the genesis file befor "clique section"
Copy the genesis to the remotes servers
scp nanti.json aws-quorum-node-1:~
scp nanti.json aws-quorum-node-2:~
scp nanti.json aws-quorum-node-3:~
scp nanti.json aws-quorum-node-4:~
Be sure to have 8545 TCP and 30303 TCP/UDP inbound rules allowed on AWS
Then init geth with the genesis on each node
geth init nanti.json
scp quorum folder into remote server
cd quorum
mkdir ~/quorum_data
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -u ubuntu -b -m command -a 'mv /home/ubuntu/.ethereum/keystore /home/ubuntu/quorum_data/'
echo "MYPASS" >> pass.txt
sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/bootnode quorum -genkey /root/qdata/nodekey
Display on host
sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/bootnode quorum -nodekeyhex 8ddb455b5d72454171a1591ef914d4ab81f1ed706d7eb4dde639f21a717cfe72 -writeaddress
sudo cat ../quorum_data/nodekey
sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/bootnode quorum -nodekeyhex 2a3f4db45e40d3d5458684a036a79c52f4c42f9b65016f85d657303b2701d997 -writeaddress
sudo cat ../quorum_data/nodekey
sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/bootnode quorum -nodekeyhex b4159f4a8a645818393ef55426671cdf8df2fb156979e9d53f78ab700744caa3 -writeaddress
sudo cat ../quorum_data/nodekey
sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/bootnode quorum -nodekeyhex b90fc697ab597a1a68e4fd5e97e84841bd174296b6aa71df6a6aec44a27f98d3 -writeaddress
sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/bootnode quorum -nodekey /root/qdata/nodekey -writeaddress
On each VM
sed -e s#localhost# -i docker-compose.yml
sed -e s#localhost# -i docker-compose.yml
sed -e s#localhost# -i docker-compose.yml
sed -e s#localhost# -i docker-compose.yml
for i in aws-quorum-node-1 aws-quorum-node-2 aws-quorum-node-3 aws-quorum-node-4; do scp -r quorum/Dockerfile.quorum ${i}:~/quorum/Dockerfile.quorum; done
for i in aws-quorum-node-1 aws-quorum-node-2 aws-quorum-node-3 aws-quorum-node-4; do scp -r quorum/Dockerfile.tessera ${i}:~/quorum/Dockerfile.tessera; done
ansible -i ansible/hosts quorum-nodes -u ubuntu -b -m command -a 'sudo chmod +x /home/ubuntu/quorum/'
for i in aws-quorum-node-1 aws-quorum-node-2 aws-quorum-node-3 aws-quorum-node-4; do scp -r quorum/nanti.json ${i}:~/quorum_data/nanti.json; done
for i in aws-quorum-node-1 aws-quorum-node-2 aws-quorum-node-3 aws-quorum-node-4; do scp -r quorum/static-nodes.json ${i}:~/quorum_data/dd; done
sudo docker-compose up --build