- 🍄 I'm a software developer at Mobile Media Lab
- 🍏 Most of the time I'm writing on Swift
- ✉️ You can shoot me an email at crowruuu@gmail.com.
class Me: Skills {
let frameworks = [Foundation, UIKit, AVFoundation, Kingfisher, ProgressHUD]
let layout = [Storyboard, Code Layout]
let data = [SwiftKeychainWrapper, UserDefaults, Keychain, CoreData, Realm, Firebase]
let networking = [URlSession, Rest Api, Alomofire]
let dependency managers = [CocoaPods, SPM]
let multithreading = [GCD]
let arthitectures = [MVC, MVP, MVVM]
let designPatterns = [Delegate, CallBack, Observer, Singleton, Factory]
let designPrinciples = [OOP, POP, DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SOLID]
let english = [B1]
NFTMarket - The application helps users to view and buy NFT
Tracker - The application helps to form useful habits
Image Feed - The multi-page application is designed to view images via the Unsplash API
Movie Quiz - An application with quizzes about films from the top 250 rating and the most popular films according to IMDb.