Curated extensions and resources for Tsuru, the open source, extensible and Docker-based PaaS
A curated list of plugins, services, routers, platforms and learning resources for Tsuru.
- base-platform (docker image)
- official platforms (go, java, nodejs, python, ruby etc)
- tsuru-bluegreen - A blue-green deployment plugin for tsuru client
- app-address - Display all the addresses of a given app
- env-list - List environment variables of an app, including private ones
- goreplay - Sniff the network interface and replay requests on another app
- admtools - Debugging tools for apps running in tsuru.
- rpaas - Reverse Proxy as a Service
- healthcheck-as-a-service - tsuru service API for on demand web application monitoring
- autoscale - Autoscale as a service
- Running tsuru in production: scaling and segregating Docker containers
- Tsuru PaaS on Google Cloud Platform
- tsuru documentation - official documentation
- tsuru-client documentation - tsuru CLI official documentation
- Tsuru PaaS - Service industrialization at scale (English)
- Tsuru: Serve it yourself (English)
- Microservicios con Tsuru, un PaaS extensible y open source (Spanish)
- Tsuru Live Code (Portuguese)
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Rafael Eyng has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.