Bookstore server application is a web service consisting of 3 service endpoint interfaces (BookService, PersonService and RentService). The communication protocol is established using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) for serializing client data.
The project is built as a WAR file and requires a Java web server (Apache Tomcat) to execute the code. The deployment option used is GlassFish v4.1 because of the enterprise features requried by the web service. Connection with the database is provided through the connection pool/data resources system which configures the setup the query eecution with the MySQL database. The endpoint interfaces are available on the internet as WSDL files so that external client applications can consume it.
- Java EE SDK v7
- NetBeans v8
- GlassFish 4.1
- JDBC MySQL Driver
The server acts as an enterprise application which runs inside the WebLogic Server and can be called by external clients. Oracle WebLogic is a middle tier application which runs between database browser-based clients.
The list below shows each step to deploy the server and access the server’s endpoints over internet or local network (only for development stage).
Note: This instructions are platform independent which means that it will work on both Linux and Windows operating systems.
- Download and install Java EE 7 SDK at the following link:
- Download GlassFish 4.1 archive at the following link:
- Extract archive and navigate to the location where it unpacked and access the following folder: glassfish/bin
- Change current password for the administrator account.
- Run command: asadmin change-password [ACCOUNT_NAME].
- Note: Default password is an empty text and the account name is admin.
- To access the admin web interface we need to make the connection secure because anyone can access it.
- Run command: asadmin enable-secure-admin
- Start the domain to listen for connection on the server.
- Run command: asadmin start-domain [DOMAIN_NAME].
- Note: The name of domain can be set to domain1
- Download JDBC MySql Driver required for connecting to MySQL Database from this link:
- Copy driver JAR file to [GLASSFISH_DIR]/glassfish/domains/[DOMAIN_NAME]/lib
- Restart server to load the new driver.
- Run command: asadmin restart-domain [DOMAIN_NAME]
- Create the Connection Pool which uses the MySQL driver installed to create a physical database connection. In other words, the application will borrow a connection from the pool, uses it and then returns it by closing it.
- Run command: asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource --restype=javax.sql.DataSource --property="user=[USER_NAME]:password=[PASSWORD]:url=jdbc\:mysql\://[HOST_NAME]\:[PORT]/[DATABASE_NAME]" bookstore-mysql-pool.
- Create the Data Resource which is needed by the enterprise application to access the connection pool created above.
- Run command: asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid bookstore-mysql-pool jdbc/bookstore-mysql-datasource.
- Install our application to the server.
- Run command: asadmin deploy [WAR_FILE]
The application should be running at http://[HOST_NAME]:8080/[APP_NAME]/[SERVICE_NAME]?WSDL
The current available Bookstore enpoint interfaces are locate at:
- http://[HOST_NAME]:8080/Bookstore/BookService?WSDL
- http://[HOST_NAME]:8080/Bookstore/PersonService?WSDL
- http://[HOST_NAME]:8080/Bookstore/RentService?WSDL