- Microsoft Academic Client
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res <- ma_interpret(query = "papers by jaime'...")
(expr <- res$interpretations$rules[[1]]$output.value)
#> [1] "Composite(AA.AuN=='jaime herrera acosta')"
#> # A tibble: 10 x 8
#> logprob Id Ti Y CC AA E J.JN
#> * <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int> <int> <list> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 -15.1 2.49e9 k doqi clinic… 2002 8642 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"K… amer …
#> 2 -18.1 2.24e9 k doqi clinic… 2002 391 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"K… amer …
#> 3 -18.8 2.12e9 essential hyp… 2005 300 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"E… j ame…
#> 4 -20.0 1.60e9 re encuesta n… 2005 32 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"R… rev p…
#> 5 -21.9 2.03e9 hypertension … 1982 96 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"H… kidne…
#> 6 -23.8 8.22e8 mecanismos es… 2004 1 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"M… rev p…
#> 7 -23.9 2.20e9 hipertension … 2001 2 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"H… rev p…
#> 8 -24.2 2.34e9 hipertension … 2003 1 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"H… rev p…
#> 9 -24.9 2.24e9 la inhibicion… 1987 1 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"L… rev i…
#> 10 -25.3 2.26e9 revasculariza… 1987 0 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"R… <NA>
or go to evalulate directly
ma_evaluate(query = "Y='19'...")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 8
#> logprob Id Ti Y CC AA E J.JN
#> * <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int> <int> <list> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 -13.1 2.14e9 molecular clo… 1989 182096 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"M… <NA>
#> 2 -13.6 2.60e9 diagnostic an… 1994 127551 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"D… <NA>
#> 3 -13.8 1.86e9 standard meth… 1992 80778 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"S… <NA>
#> 4 -13.8 2.34e9 fuzzy sets 1996 67563 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"F… <NA>
#> 5 -13.9 2.16e9 gapped blast … 1997 67879 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"G… nar
#> 6 -13.9 2.89e9 computers and… 1999 56637 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"C… <NA>
#> 7 -13.9 2.16e9 the nature of… 1995 67809 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"T… <NA>
#> 8 -14.1 2.23e9 manufacture o… 1986 54405 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"M… <NA>
#> 9 -14.2 2.15e9 particle swar… 1995 48823 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"P… <NA>
#> 10 -14.2 2.43e9 numerical rec… 1988 125682 <data.… "{\"DN\":\"N… <NA>
res <- ma_calchist(query = "And(Composite(AA.AuN=='jaime teevan'),Y>2012)",
atts = c('Y', 'F.FN'))
#> [[1]]
#> value logprob count
#> 1 2013 -17.240 18
#> 2 2014 -17.332 13
#> 3 2016 -17.818 16
#> 4 2015 -17.832 14
#> 5 2017 -18.709 12
#> 6 2018 -19.532 3
#> [[2]]
#> value logprob count
#> 1 computer science -16.111 64
#> 2 data mining -16.771 28
#> 3 crowdsourcing -16.992 23
#> 4 search engine -17.076 16
#> 5 human computer interaction -17.461 18
#> 6 information retrieval -17.484 15
#> 7 multimedia -17.681 16
#> 8 search analytics -18.065 5
#> 9 knowledge management -18.184 8
#> 10 social media -18.382 6
s1 <- "Using complementary priors, we derive a fast greedy algorithm that
can learn deep directed belief networks one layer at a time, provided the
top two layers form an undirected associative memory"
s2 <- "Deepneural nets with a large number of parameters are very powerful
machine learning systems. However, overfitting is a serious problem in
such networks"
ma_similarity(s1, s2)
#> [1] 0.6254586
ma_abstract(query = "Y='19'...", count = 5)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 2
#> Id abstract
#> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2144634347 Molecular Cloning has served as the foundation of technical …
#> 2 2596886333 ""
#> 3 1856219842 Apresenta as metodologias desenvolvidas em grande escala par…
#> 4 2339804494 ""
#> 5 2158714788 The BLAST programs are widely used tools for searching prote…
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in R doingcitation(package = 'microdemic')
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