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Example usage of splunk ansible project.

Playbooks use a named account deployer for ansible ansible tasks on inventory hosts, either update this named account or ensure the user exists on all target machines


  1. These examples assume CentOS images exist
  2. The example infrastructure assumes the the local domain lab.local (e.g. splk-sh1.lab.local)
  3. The splunk-ansible build and maintained by Splunk assumes that hostname in inventory and the result of hostname on the Linux host are identical. Some plays and tasks will not execute if those mismatch.


  1. Download latest version of Splunk to /tmp/splunk.rpm
  2. Place the license file in /tmp/splunk.lic
  3. Clone repo git clone
  4. Change directory to cd splunk-engagement-ansible
  5. Pull the splunk-ansible submodule git submodule update --init --recursive
  6. Change directory to ansible-deployment folder cd ansible
  7. Use or update one of the existing inventory files in inventory directory
  8. Use or update one of the existing playbooks in the playbooks. Examples of standalone, deploymentserver only, and advanced configuration are provided.
  9. Run the playbook and inventory of your choice, for example ansible-playbook -vv -i example-inventory/splunk-standalone.yml playbooks/install-standalone.yml


  1. To update run git pull and to pull an updated splunk-ansible submodule git submodule update --recursive --remote

Using Ansible from a Single Host

In scenarios where ansible testing is taking place or where it cannot be installed via pacakge manager (e.g. yum), it is possible to run a portable ansible installation. The following steps outline the requirements for setting this up:

  1. Clone the ansible repo git clone --single-branch --branch 'stable-2.9'
  2. Change director to ansible directory cd ansible
  3. Install required python modules pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Setup ansible environment source ./hacking/env-setup

Example Standalone Deployment Architecture


  • splk-util1.lab.local (ansible host)
  • splk-sh1.lab.local (host to be used for Splunk Standalone instance)

Other Examples

The following scenarios have example inventory and playbooks associated with them:



  • splk-util1.lab.local (ansible host)
  • splk-sh1.lab.local (Splunk Search Head)
  • splk-idx1.lab.local (Splunk Indexer)
  • splk-dp1.lab.local (Splunk Deployment Server & Splunk License Master)
  • splunkuf1.lab.local (Splunk Universal Forwarder)

Ansible Install Command

ansible-playbook -vv -i example-inventory/splunk-distributed.yml playbooks/install-distributed.yml

Indexer Cluster:


  • splk-util1.lab.local (ansible host)
  • splk-sh1.lab.local (Splunk Search Head)
  • splk-cm1.lab.local (Splunk Indexer Cluster Master)
  • splk-idx1.lab.local (Splunk Indexer Cluster Node)
  • splk-idx2.lab.local (Splunk Indexer Cluster Node)
  • splk-dp1.lab.local (Splunk Deployment Server & Splunk License Master)
  • splunkuf1.lab.local (Splunk Universal Forwarder)

Ansible Install Command

ansible-playbook -vv -i example-inventory/splunk-indexcluster.yml playbooks/install-indexcluster.yml

Indexer Cluster and Search Cluster:


  • splk-util1.lab.local (ansible host)
  • splk-sh1.lab.local (Splunk Search Head Cluster Node)
  • splk-sh2.lab.local (Splunk Search Head Cluster Node)
  • splk-sh3.lab.local (Splunk Search Head Cluster Node)
  • splk-cm1.lab.local (Splunk Indexer Cluster Master)
  • splk-idx1.lab.local (Splunk Indexer Cluster Node)
  • splk-idx2.lab.local (Splunk Indexer Cluster Node)
  • splk-dp1.lab.local (Splunk Deployment Server & Splunk License Master)
  • splunkuf1.lab.local (Splunk Universal Forwarder)

Ansible Install Command

ansible-playbook -vv -i example-inventory/splunk-searchcluster-indexcluster.yml playbooks/install-searchcluster-indexcluster.yml