Assignment Informatica Werktuigen (academic year 2021-2022).
Clone this repository to your local computer.
git clone
Configure a python virtual environment with venv.
python3 -m venv l-venv
Use the virtual environment.
source l-venv/bin/activate
Install the packages via pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the tkinter package.
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
Run the file.
It will ask you which configuration file it should use and how many iterations you want. You can find some example configuration files in this repository.
When you run the file, the program will aks for a configuration file. The configuration file has to be a json file. There is an example.json file in this repository. These are the supported translations:
- angle: turn left
- draw: draw a line
- forward: move forward without drawing a line
- nop: do nothing
- push: push the current drawing state on the stack
- pop: replace the current drawing state with the one on top of the stack
- color: change the color from this point to the given name
with every translation, there is a value or variable:
- angle: amount of degrees
- draw: amount of pixels
- forward: amount of pixels
- nop: value doesn't matter
- push: value doesn't matter
- pop: value doens't matter
- color: name of the color you want, without capitals
A history.txt file will be created in the directory 'logs' when running the for the first time. Every time you run the program, a new line will be added with the configuration information, timestamp and generated l-string.
If you wish, you can make backups on a hourly rate with the bash script
. Add the following to your crontab (command crontab -e, replace /path/to/the/project with the path to the project):
0 * * * * cd /path/to/the/project/ && ./ >/dev/null 2>&1
There is a Python script
that you can run if you wish to restore the history database to one of its backups. Simply run the script with the following command:
The script will show you all the possible history backups, you have to pick one and the chosen history backup will be copied in place of the current history file.
Currently, only .eps files are supported. You can export the drawed l-system with the following command:
python3 --export <filename>
Replace <filename>
with the name of the file you want, followed by the extension .eps.
You can view the information and a svg image of your latest drawing with the following commands:
export FLASK_APP=webPage
flask run
Access the webpage with this url: http://localhost:5000/index
You can build a docker image and run a docker container with the project files. Important: in order for docker to show you the drawing, you should first run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
xhost +
MACOS (thanks to this gist)
- install XQuartz
- launch XQuartz, under the XQuartz menu, select Preferences
- go to security tab and ensure "allow connections from network clients" is checked
- run the following commands
xhost + ${hostname}
export HOSTNAME='your_hostname.local'
Then you can start with docker:
cd /path/to/project
docker build -t l-system:latest
docker run --rm -ti -v ~/.l-system-logs:/logs \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
On macOS you should change