Each implementation should:
- Generate 10,000 samples of synthetic data: y(t) = sin(2πft) + noise
- Apply a moving average filter (window size = 50)
- Compute FFT
- Find peaks above threshold
- Output timing metrics and results
- Julia [High-level, Multiple Paradigm: Functional, OOP, Procedural]
- Mathematical expressiveness, array operations
- Clojure [High-level, Functional, LISP dialect]
- Data transformation pipelines
- Elixir [High-level, Functional]
- Actor model, distributed processing
- Python/Bend [High-level, Multiple Paradigm: OOP, Procedural, Functional]
- "CUDA in python wrapping?" parallel programming with simple syntax
- OCaml [High-level, Functional with OOP support]
- Pattern matching, type inference
- Haskell [High-level, Pure Functional]
- Pure functional approach, lazy evaluation
- Mojo [High-level, Python Superset with Systems Programming Capabilities]
- MLIR-based compiler for heterogeneous hardware (CPU/GPU/AI ASICs)
- Python-compatible with systems programming performance
- Go [Low-level, Procedural with CSP concurrency]
- Concurrent processing, clean syntax
- Rust [Low-level, Multi-paradigm with focus on Systems Programming]
- Memory safety, SIMD optimizations
- C/C++ [Low-level, Multi-paradigm: OOP, Procedural]
- Raw performance, direct memory control
- Zig [Low-level, Procedural]
- Low-level control, compile-time features
- CUDA [Low-level, Parallel Computing]
- Parallel processing on GPU
- Assembly [Low-level]
- Direct hardware interaction
Code length and readability:
- Lines of code (excluding comments and blank lines)
- Cyclomatic complexity score
- Halstead complexity measures (program length, vocabulary, volume, difficulty)
Execution speed:
- Wall clock time for complete pipeline execution (average of 10 runs)
- CPU time for each pipeline stage (in milliseconds)
- Throughput: samples processed per second
Memory usage:
- Peak memory consumption (in MB)
- Memory usage over time (sampled every 100ms)
- Garbage collection frequency and duration (if applicable)
Parallel processing capabilities:
- Speedup factor when using multiple cores (2, 4, 8 cores)
- Scalability: performance change from 1,000 to 1,000,000 samples
- Ease of parallelization implementation (1-10 scale, 10 being easiest)