Tips for negotiating salary and startup for newly-hired tenure-track faculty
Creating accessibility in academic negotiations Negotiating a faculty position can be confusing. Here, as a group of new faculty members, we pull back the curtains to explain nuances, identify negotiable components, and build a framework for the process of negotiation based on our recent experiences.
Some resources for faculty postion application and grants writing.
A list of publicly available grant proposals in the biological sciences
My faculty job application materials from Philip J Guo, a faculty at UCSD.
applying for a faculty position by Roger Peng.
How to Turn A “Good” Proposal Into An “Excellent” Proposal in Eight Admittedly Arduous Steps
open grant find other people's grants.
The CommKit is a collection of guides to successful communication in the biological sciences, written by the BRCL Fellows.
In 2004, my postdoc advisor @DaphnePreuss asked me to write a 1page paper writing guide for the lab, from an advisee point of view (udpated) pic.twitter.com/9akUIOjtNs
— Ravi Palanivelu (@rpalaniveluaz) March 6, 2017
- Pubchase
- SciReader
- meta
- citeulike
- semanticscholoar managed by Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence .
typeset Adhering to fuzzy journal guidelines is every researcher's nightmare. Not anymore! Introducing Typeset - an intelligent editor that lets you automatically format or re-format to over 14,000 journals with 100% compliance. No fuss. And that's just the beginning...
how to write a K99 by Samir Amin (my good buddy). Go and check out this treasure.
seeking the k99 a blog post by Tim Stuart.
citeomatic find other relative citations you may miss.
How to write a proposal
Citeomatic finds new citations for you.
Thoughts on reviewing NIH proposals: What is the difference between a 2.0 and 3.0 in initial score? a blog post.
ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you quickly create a bibliography in any citation style.
Time is Citations: How I Plan My Days A post by Olga Botvinnik in UCSD on how she manages her day. I learned a lot!
- https://github.com/jtleek/reviews by Jeff Leek.
- A Guide to Responding to Scientific Peer Review by Jean Fan.
- "All you need to know about data management plans" - workshop for Principal Investigators in Bioinformatics
- How to Teach Programming (And Other Things) by Greg Wilson.
- Teaching Tech Together by Greg Wilson as well.
- Early Career Funding, Awards, and Other Funding
- https://ecrcentral.org/resources
- Funding schemes for postdoctoral fellowships
- Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities by Johns Hopkins
- Early Career Funding Opportunities by Johns Hopkins
- Ten quick tips for making things findable
- Making experimental data tables in the life sciences more FAIR: a pragmatic approach
- protocols: https://www.protocols.io/
- electronic lab notebooks review by Harvard HMS
- Rspace Next-gen Elab notebook.
- How to grow a healthy lab Nature collections
- Bench Sci Run Successful Experiments with the Right Antibody. Let our AI decode the literature to provide antibody usage data that's unbiased and experiment-specific
- Rule #1: Say no unless you are excited. ---Credits to Shirley Liu and Stan Gu.
- The ASCCR Frame for Learning Essential Collaboration Skills
- Synchronized editing: the future of collaborative writing
- manuscripts
- Open collaborative writing with Manubot
- google doc + paperpile
collected from this twitter thread https://twitter.com/tangming2005/status/1230568527033012225
"We use Basecamp in my lab, with GitHub integration via Zapier" -- Naupaka Zimmerman
"We use basecamp at HBC, it helps to track progress, n communicate with collaborator. For code tracking we use github. Though for my personal use, I hv jupyter notebook for code, Evernote for docs,and full Analysis I build docker for each project. This gives me peace" -- Preeti Aahir
github + zenhub project management for github. "We're trying out gitbook for the group documentation and working policies, etc. In addition, we use @ZenHub because of its tight GitHub integration to track projects" -- Moritz E. Beber
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"I use Trello for organisation and push my collaborators to use it. It helps keeping tasks, code, input, output & comments organised. We have common conda envs on the cluster and a place to store scripts. GitHub would be better for scripts but it's a lot to learn for some people."
"But I think that everything could be moved to @trello with a github integration and links to input data on shared folders on the HPC (so that large files are not stored on the Trello boards). Also it's free (compared to http://Monday.com)."
--Gautier Richard
Notion All-in-one workspace. "We have a general lab section with boards for expectations, on boarding, and getting started with the HPC. Each trainee then has their own long term goals boards and separate projects board." -- Nicholas Mancuso
github wiki for documenting projects.
"Recently commenced attempt at this is to use a github repo with the wiki as the guide (onboard routines), and possibly the repo itself for useful scripts" --Kieran Campbell
- gitbook for other documenting purposes. onboard routine: e.g. HPC setup. pipeline running.
"We're trying out gitbook for the group documentation and working policies, etc. In addition, we use @ZenHub because of its tight GitHub integration to track projects" -- Moritz E. Beber
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knowlege repo from airbnb "We are deploying airbnb's knowledge repo as proof of concept and are enjoying it so far. Let me know what you think!" -- An Hoang.
super-productivity Free to do list & time tracker for programmers & designers with Jira integration. read https://bioinformaticsworkbook.org/projectManagement/Intro_projectManagement and https://olgabotvinnik.com/blog/time-is-citations/