This project is not maintained anymore and is abandoned. Feel free to fork and make your own changes if needed.
Thanks to everyone for their valuable feedback and contributions.
Icons Refresh is a program written in Go to refresh Desktop, Start Menu and Taskbar icons without restart Explorer on Windows.
You can download the application on the releases page.
Launch IconsRefresh.exe
Go 1.14 or higher required
go mod download
go generate -v
go build -o bin/IconsRefresh.exe -v -ldflags "-s -w -v -H=windowsgui"
All kinds of contributions are welcome 🙌! The most basic way to show your support is to star 🌟 the project, or to raise issues 💬 You can also support this project by becoming a sponsor on GitHub 👏 or by making a Paypal donation to ensure this journey continues indefinitely! 🚀
Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated! 🙏
for more details.
Icon credit to Oliver Scholtz