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Laravel Notification Channels For Msg91 SMS Notifications

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Laravel notification channel for Msg91 API (wrapper around Laravel Msg91 Client)

Table of Contents



  • php^7.1
  • laravel^5|^6|^7|^8|^9|^10

The package is tested for 5.8+,^6.0,^7.0,^8.0,^9.0,^10.0 only. If you find any bugs for laravel (5.0< >5.8), please file an issue.

composer require craftsys/msg91-laravel-notification-channel

If you just want to integrate Msg91 api in Laravel without notification channel, please use Msg91 Laravel instead.


Next, you will need to add a few configuration options to your config/services.php configuration file. You may copy the example configuration below to get started:

// along with other services
'msg91' => [
    'key' => env("MSG91_KEY")

All available configuration can be found at msg91-php client's configuration page


If a notification supports being sent as an SMS, you should define a toMsg91 method on the notification class. This method will receive a $notifiable entity and should return a Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91SMS or Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91OTP instance based on your need to sending message or sending an OTP.

NOTE: Phone number must be in international format i.e. it must include the country code.


namespace App\Notifications;

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91SMS

class OrderPicked extends Notification
   * Get the notification's delivery channels.
   * @param  mixed  $notifiable
   * @return array
  public function via($notifiable)
    // add "msg91" channel to the channels array
    return ['msg91'];

   * Get the Msg91 / SMS representation of the notification.
   * @param  mixed  $notifiable
   * @return \Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91SMS
  public function toMsg91($notifiable)
    return (new Msg91SMS)
      // you can also set variable's values for your flow template
      // assuming you have ##order_id## variable in the flow
      ->variable('order_id', $notifiable->latestOrder->id);



// your Notification
public function toMsg91($notifiable)
    return (new \Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91SMS)

// with variables
public function toMsg91($notifiable)
    return (new \Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91SMS)
        ->variable('name', $notifiable->name)
        ->variable('status', "Overdue");


// your Notification
public function toMsg91($notifiable)
    return (new \Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91OTP)
        // ->otp(12123) // set a custom otp
        // ->resend() // if this is a resend otp notification

Verify OTP

This package include the Laravel Msg91 Client, so you can use all the api provided by that package like verify an OTP, sending otp without using notification channel etc.

You can access the client using Msg91 facade as follows:

$otp_to_verify = 112312;

Routing SMS Notification

When sending notifications via the msg91 channel, the notification system will automatically look for a phone_number attribute on the notifiable entity. If you would like to customize the phone number the notification is delivered to, define a routeNotificationForMsg91 method on the entity as suggested on laravel docs.

class User {
    use Notifiable;
     * Route notifications for the Msg91 channel.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification  $notification
     * @return string
    public function routeNotificationForMsg91 ($notification) {
        return $this->phone;

You can also set the recipient(s) when composing your message in the toMsg91 method of your notification as follows:

public function toMsg91($notifiable)
    return (new \Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91SMS)
        ->to(91992123123) // you can also pass an array for bulk notifications

Advanced Usage

These messages Msg91SMS and Msg91OTP extend \Craftsys\Msg91\SMS\Options and \Craftsys\Msg91\OTP\Options, so all configuration methods are available when crafting your notification message. These are all optional and you can use them in any order. e.g.

public function toMsg91($notifiable)
    return (new \Craftsys\Notifications\Messages\Msg91OTP)
        ->digits(6) // set the digits in otp message
        ->expiresInMinutes(1) // change the expiry time
        ->from("SNCBD"); // set a custom sender id

