Flipper Zero app (FAP) for the RG-15 rain gauge.
is a custom
for interacting with the
RG-15 rain gauge by
Built in Rust, it uses the
Rust bindings.
Many thanks for that 🦀❤️🐬.
The app reads sensor data via TTL serial (though the manual refers to it as RS-232 at 3.3V) and sends commands to control the sensor's behavior.
For further instructions, check the
manual in the docs
Install the Rust toolchain.
Add the
target:rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
Build the FAP:
cargo build --release
The built binary will be located at
Use the qFlipper app to copy it to your
Flipper's SD card.
Connect the sensor to the Flipper, ensuring GND is connected first.
For FAQs, refer to Hydreon's FAQ page.
An interesting feature of the RG-15 is it's non-volatile memory, which stores settings like:
- Baud rate
- Precision
- Continous vs polling mode
- Metric vs imperial units
- Total rain accumulation
These settings persist after reboot. The J2 port has a memory clear (MCLR) pin, though I don't know whether you need to pull it high or low to clear the memory.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
This FAP was primarily developed to test the sensor and as a learning exercise. I don’t plan to continue development, so feel free to fork the repo and make changes as needed.