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Merge pull request #115 from cpp-lln-lab/dev
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[REL] v0.5.0
  • Loading branch information
Remi-Gau authored May 9, 2022
2 parents 5ad7f12 + 9ef55c2 commit d0b3df9
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Showing 46 changed files with 1,211 additions and 685 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/update_submodules.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ name: update submodules
- main
- master
- dev
- cron: "0 0 1 * *"
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ test_report.log


## virtual env
Expand All @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ venv/
## visual studio code

# exclude temp files from tests and coverage

## MATLAB / OCTAVE gitignore template

# From :
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .gitmodules
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
[submodule "lib/CPP_PTB"]
path = lib/CPP_PTB
url =
branch = master
branch = dev
[submodule "lib/CPP_BIDS"]
path = lib/CPP_BIDS
url =
branch = master
branch = dev
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions CITATION.cff
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
cff-version: 1.2.0

title: "CPP localizer visual motion"

version: 0.4.0dev

abstract: A localizer for visual motion sensitive brain regions using RDK.

message: "If you use this software, please cite it as below."

repository-code: ""

- description: This is the collection of archived snapshots of all releases
type: doi
value: "10.5281/zenodo.4007674"

- affiliation: "Université catholique de Louvain"
family-names: Gau
given-names: Rémi

- family-names: "Gau"
given-names: "Rémi"
orcid: ""
affiliation: "Université catholique de Louvain"

- family-names: "Barilari"
given-names: "Marco"
orcid: ""
affiliation: "Université catholique de Louvain"

- family-names: "Battal"
given-names: "Ceren"
orcid: ""
affiliation: "Université catholique de Louvain"

- family-names: "Rezk"
given-names: "Mohamed"
orcid: ""
affiliation: "Université catholique de Louvain"

- family-names: "Shahzad"
given-names: "Iqra"
orcid: ""
affiliation: "Université catholique de Louvain"

license: MIT license

- brain imaging data structure
- neuroscience
- Octave
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# TODO make more general to use the local matlab version
MATLAB = /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/matlab
ARG = -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop

.PHONY: clean manual fix_submodule
clean: clean
rm -rf version.txt

git submodule update --init --recursive && git submodule update --recursive

mh_style --fix && mh_metric --ci && mh_lint

$(MATLAB) $(ARG) -r "runTests; exit()"

version.txt: CITATION.cff
grep -w "^version" CITATION.cff | sed "s/version: /v/g" > version.txt

validate_cff: CITATION.cff
cffconvert --validate
159 changes: 38 additions & 121 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,28 @@
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
[![All Contributors](](#contributors-)

<!-- TOC -->
- [fMRI localizers for visual motion](#fmri-localizers-for-visual-motion)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Structure and function details](#structure-and-function-details)
- [visualMotionLocalizer](#visualmotionlocalizer)
- [setParameters](#setparameters)
- [Let the scanner pace the experiment](#let-the-scanner-pace-the-experiment)
- [subfun/doDotMo](#subfundodotmo)
- [Input](#input)
- [Output](#output)
- [subfun/design/expDesign](#subfundesignexpdesign)
- [Events](#events)
- [Pseudorandomization rules:](#pseudorandomization-rules)
- [Input:](#input-1)
- [Output:](#output-1)
- [Set up and running](#set-up-and-running)
- [Contributors ✨](#contributors-)
<!-- TOC -->

# fMRI localizers for visual motion

Running this script will show blocks of motion dots and static dots. Motion
blocks will show:

- dots moving in one of four directions (up-, down-, left-, and right-ward) (MT+
- or dots moving inward and outward in the peripheral of the screen (MT/MST

## Requirements

Make sure that the following toolboxes are installed and added to the matlab / octave path. See the next section on how to install the submodule toolboxes.
Make sure that the following toolboxes are installed and added to the matlab /
octave path. See the next section on how to install the submodule toolboxes.

For instructions see the following links:

Expand All @@ -42,129 +36,50 @@ For instructions see the following links:

## Installation

The CPP_BIDS and CPP_PTB dependencies are already set up as submodule to this repository.
You can install it all with git by doing.
The CPP_BIDS and CPP_PTB dependencies are already set up as submodules to this
repository. You can install it all with git by doing.

git clone --recurse-submodules

## Structure and function details

### visualMotionLocalizer

Running this script will show blocks of motion dots and static dots. Motion blocks will show dots moving in one of four directions (up-, down-, left-, and right-ward) (MT+ localizer) or dots moving inward and outward in the peripheral of the screen (MT/MST localizer).

Run in `Debug mode` (see `setParameters.m`) it does not care about subjID, run n., Eye Tracker (soon, at the moment it needs to be set off manually), etc..

Any details of the experiment can be changed in `setParameters.m` (e.g., experiment mode, motion stimuli details, exp. design, etc.)
## Set up and running

### setParameters
In the `main.m` script, you are meant

`setParameters.m` is the core engine of the experiment. It contains the following tweakable sections:
- to set your configuration (`cfg`)
- call `initEnv()` to add the relevant folders to the MATLAB path
- call `cfg = checkParameters(cfg)` to set up any default configuration you did
not set.
- call `visualMotionLocalizer(cfg)` to run the localizer.

- Debug mode setting
- MRI settings
- Engine parameters:
- Monitor parameters
- Monitor parameters for PsychToolBox
- Keyboards
- Experiment Design
- Visual Stimulation
- Task(s)
- Instructions
- Task #1 parameters

#### Let the scanner pace the experiment

Set `` to `true` and you can then set all the details in this `if` block
The minimalist script would thus look like:

% Time is here in terms of `repetition time (TR)` (i.e. MRI volumes)
cfg.pacedByTriggers.quietMode = true;
cfg.pacedByTriggers.nbTriggers = 1;
%% Run MT+ localizer
cfg.timing.eventDuration = cfg.mri.repetitionTime / 2 - 0.04; % second = 'MT';
% Time between blocs in secs
cfg.timing.IBI = 0;
% Time between events in secs
cfg.timing.ISI = 0;
% Number of seconds before the motion stimuli are presented
cfg.timing.onsetDelay = 0;
% Number of seconds after the end all the stimuli before ending the run
cfg.timing.endDelay = 2;
cfg = checkParameters(cfg);
% Run

### subfun/doDotMo

Wrapper function that present the dot stimulation (static or motion) per event.

#### Input

- `cfg`: PTB/machine and experiment configurations returned by `setParameters` and `initPTB`
- `logFile`: structure that stores the experiment logfile to be saved
- `thisEvent`: structure that stores information about the event to present regarding the dots (static or motion, direction, etc.)
- `thisFixation`: structure that stores information about the fixation cross task to present
- `dots`: [...]
- `iEvent`: index of the event of the block at the moment of the presentation

#### Output

- Event `onset`
- Event `duration`
- `dots`: [...]

> NB: The dots are drawn on a square that contains the round aperture, then any dots outside of the aperture is turned into a NaN so effectively the actual number of dots on the screen at any given time is not the one that you input but a smaller number (nDots / Area of aperture) on average.
### subfun/design/expDesign

This function and its companions creates the sequence of blocks (static/motion) and the events (the single directions) for MT+ and MT/MST localizers. The conditions are consecutive static and motion blocks (fixed in this order gives better results than randomised).

It can be run as a stand alone without inputs and displays a visual example of the possible design. See `getMockConfig` to set up the mock configuration.

It computes the directions to display and the task(s), at the moment:
1. detection of change in the color of the fixation target
2. detection of different speed of the moving dots [ W I P - if selected as a task it will give the same null output as if not selected ie no difference in speed]

#### Events

The ``nbEventsPerBlock`` should be a multiple of the number of motion directions requested in ``motionDirections`` (which should be more than 1) e.g.:
- MT localizer: ` = [ 0 90 180 270 ]; % right down left up`
- MT_MST localizer: ` = [666 -666]; % outward inward`

#### Pseudorandomization rules:

- Directions:
1. Directions are all presented in random orders in `numEventsPerBlock/nDirections` consecutive chunks. This evenly distribute the directions across the block.
2. No same consecutive direction

- Color change detection of the fixation cross:
1. If there are 2 targets per block we make sure that they are at least 2 events apart.
2. Targets cannot be on the first or last event of a block.
3. No less than 1 target per event position in the whole run

#### Input:
- `cfg`: parameters returned by setParameters
- `displayFigs`: a boolean to decide whether to show the basic design matrix of the design
Type `help checkParameters` and see the [README in docs](./docs/ to
get more information about the configuration options.

#### Output:
- ``: cell array (nbBlocks, 1) with the condition name for each block
- ``: integer for th etotal number of blocks in the run
- ``: array (nbBlocks, nbEventsPerBlock) with the direction to present in a given event of a block.
- 0 90 180 270 indicate the angle for translational motion direction
- 666 -666 indicate in/out-ward direction in radial motion
- -1 indicates static
- ``: array (nbBlocks, nbEventsPerBlock) indicate the dots speed in each event, the target is represented by a higher/lower value
- ``: array (nbBlocks, numEventsPerBlock) showing for each event if it should be accompanied by a target
Run in debug mode (set ` = true`) it does not care about subjID, run
n., Eye Tracker...

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
Thanks goes to these wonderful people
([emoji key](

<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
Expand All @@ -184,4 +99,6 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](


This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
This project follows the
specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions cfgMST.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
function cfg = cfgMST(cfg)
% (C) Copyright 2020 CPP visual motion localizer developers = 'MT_MST'; = 10; = 10;

% in Liege is 0.6
% on macs is 0.3
cfg.timing.eventDuration = 0.6; % 0.6 seconds

%% variable FOV info
% in case the field of view is not properly centered or obstructed
% see
% set up configuration: ensure that the following fields are the same
% as when you ran the estimate_visual_FOV script
% cfg.testingDevice
% cfg.screen.monitorDistance
% cfg.screen.monitorWidth

% fixation cross displacement in degrees of visual angles
% this will also shift the whole FOV relative to the center of the screen
% Note: negative values will move things to the left and up.
cfg.fixation.xDisplacement = -3.676540;
cfg.fixation.yDisplacement = -0.499724;

% determines position of the fixation cross on the right / left
% should be a bit less than the: ( width of FOV ) / 2 = 3;

% determines position of the dots on the left /
% should be a bit less than the: ( width of FOV ) / 2 = 7;

% determines the width of the dot circle
cfg.aperture.width = 7;


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