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Getting started

This web-app is written in Flask (Python 3), using SQLAlchemy for databasing and Bootstrap for HTML formatting. The easiest way to get up and running is to use a Python virutal environment. To load the virtual environment, for example using Anaconda, navigate in to the clone repo, then run:

conda env create -f darts-env.yml

Activate the environment using

conda activate darts-env

Alternatively, you may install all the required packages using the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Once the virtual environment is activated you can run the app locally.

flask run

The web address will be diplayed in the terminal window. If debugging is ON, output from the app will also be displayed in the terminal window. Use ctrl-c to stop the app.

A python shell which automatically loads important app files can be run using

flask shell

From here normal python cammands can by issued. Most app funcions and database classes are already imported and can be used immediately. E.g.


Databse usage

Sample data

The SQLite database, app.db, contains sample data. You may or may not choose to use this locally. Just ensure your local database is kept up to date with the flask-migration files. See below.

Updating the database

If the structure of the database is changed, i.e. changes to, it must be migrated and upgraded before use. To migrate run

flask db migrate -m "<insert breif description of changes>"

This will run a check of the code and list changes to the database. It will create a new migration file in migrations/versions. To upgrade to this newly created version, run

flask db upgrade

You can revert to previous migration versions using

flask db downgrade

Updating evironment files

If new packages are installed, or there are other changes to the virtual environment, you must update the darts-env.yml and requirements.txt files:

conda env export > darts-env.yml
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Dot env

Use a local .env file in the app folder to set configuration variables, such as DATABASE_URL (sets location of database). For example:
