Couchbase Lite is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine.
Couchbase Lite implementation is on top of Couchbase Lite Core, which is also a new cross-platform implementation of database CRUD and query features, as well as document versioning.
iOS 12.0+ | macOS 12+
iOS 12.0+ | macOS 12.0+
- XCode 12+
dependencies: [
.package(name: "CouchbaseLiteSwift",
url: "",
from: "3.2.0"),
dependencies: [
.package(name: "CouchbaseLiteSwift",
url: "",
from: "3.2.0"),
More detailed information on how to setup is available here: swift package manager
You can use CocoaPods to install CouchbaseLite
for Objective-C API or CouchbaseLiteSwift
for Swift API by adding it in your Podfile:
target '<your target name>' do
pod 'CouchbaseLite'
target '<your target name>' do
pod 'CouchbaseLite-Enterprise'
target '<your target name>' do
pod 'CouchbaseLite-Swift'
target '<your target name>' do
pod 'CouchbaseLite-Swift-Enterprise'
You can use Carthage to install CouchbaseLite
by adding it in your Cartfile:
binary ""
binary ""
When running
carthage update or build
, Carthage will build both CouchbaseLite and CouchbaseLiteSwift framework.
- Clone the repo and update submodules
$ git clone
$ cd couchbase-lite-ios
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
If not already installed, install doxygen,
brew install doxygen
Run ./Scripts/ to build a platform framework which could be either an Objective-C or a Swift framework. The supported platforms include iOS, tvOS, and macOS.
$ ./Scripts/ -s "CBL ObjC" -p iOS -o output // For building the ObjC framework for iOS
$ ./Scripts/ -s "CBL Swift" -p iOS -o output // For building the Swift framework for iOS
- Todo : Objective-C and Swift
Like all Couchbase source code, this is released under the Apache 2 license.