- Christian Rene Thelen christian.thelen@rwth-aachen.de @cortex359
🇩🇪 Blog Post über die Siegerehrung, Finale Auswertung und Vergleichsübersicht, sowie allgemeine Informationen über den Wettbewerb auf mathe-dual.de.
In order to use the python scripts, some packages need to be installed in your environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate relative score tables:
Fetch snapshots with python webcrawler.py
and extract current snapshot.zip:
teams=( koeln coca-cola-und-nutella uka ets fabio-palmen bug-prevention horst )
for t in $teams; do
mkdir "web/data/${t}/${snapshot}"
unzip -d "web/data/${t}/${snapshot}" "web/data/${t}/${snapshot}.zip"
Enter the group directory and extract tables:
for t in ${teams}; do
for i in {01..14} ; do
pcre2grep -Me '(?:<pre>)([^<]+[\n\s]*)+(?:<\/pre>)' -m1 --output '$1' web/data/${t}/${snapshot}/forest${i}.txt.html >| web/data/${t}/${t}.forest${i}.table
parse tables and save relative scores:
for i in {01..14} ; do
python web/score_webtable.py forest${i} ${teams};
} >| web/relative_score_tables/overview-$(date +'%F_%H-%M').md