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Sublime 2 Setup Guide

Clone the repo

This repo is setup to replace your "User" package, if you want it to live elsewhere just change the clone desintation HELLO

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages
mv User User_original
git clone User

Make a "subl" command line shortcut

sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" /usr/bin/subl

make rails-footnotes links open with sublime:

  • Copy from the User dir to your apps: cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime/Packages/User/ /Applications/
  • Download and install RCDefaultApp.prefpane
  • Launch RCDefaultApp.prefpane and tell it that txmt links should be opened with SublHandler Extension Handler


  • Install ctags: brew install ctags
  • Goto the directory of your application: cd ~/Sites/MobileEconomyServer #Or wherever the project is
  • Generate the tags for your project: /usr/local/bin/ctags -R -f .tags
  • Add the .tags to your git ignore echo -e "\n/.tags\n" >> .gitignore

Install the packages

Once this is installed you can use it for most of the items below.

I've ordered these by some level of priority/value to me but they all have proved handy so far.

  • LiveReload - Also install the chrome extension makes rails dev even faster. I also changed this to run on port 35730 instead of 35729 due to a conflict with git
  • SublimeLinter - inline code validation/syntax checking
  • ClipboardHistory - Reinstate the ⌃⌥⌘V shortcut for pasting from history
  • Live CSS - show colors inline in css files
  • Rails Partial - refactor partials
  • Rails Related Files - ⌘⇧o to show files related to the current file (model/view)
  • Simple Rails Navigator - more rails centric file navigation
  • MoveText - expands the default move text functionality to allow left and right movement
  • SideBarGit - git context menu for the sidebar
  • CloseOldestFile - for when you have lots of buffers open but don't want to close them all
  • DashDoc - jump directly to a keyword in
  • Markdown Preview - preview markdown files
  • SideBarEnhancements - lots of content menu items for the sidebar
  • SyncedSidebar - keep the sidebar in sync with the open buffer
  • TidyJSON - Json formatter
  • CTags - Ctags integration
  • SuperCalculator - evaluate and replace math expressions
  • ExtremeCSS - mimics mCSS from TextMate
  • mSASS - mimics mSASS from TextMate
  • jQuery - lots of jquery snippets
  • jQuery Snippets Pack - more jQuery snippets
  • jQuery Mobile Snippets - snippets for jQuery Mobile

If you want to know what more about any of these google for "sublime "


open the User package and checkout Default (OSX).sublime-keymap and Default (OSX).sublime-mousemap for what customizations have been done

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/User
subl .

Live Reload Port Change

Due to a conflict with git i had to change from port 35729 to 35730 for livereload to work. You might be able to do without this.

  • Edit the LiveReload Settings file: subl ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/LiveReload/LiveReload.sublime-settings
  • Change the "port" value to 35730
  • Save, quit and restart sublime
  • Right click the "LR" toolbar button in chrome and select "Options"
  • Change the port in the options to 35730
  • Quit and restart chrome

Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)

Shamelessly plucked from I've overridden some of these to be more like TM defaults, will try to update them at some point. I haven't tried/verified all of these so if you find a mismatch update this file and push!


**⌘T** go to file
**⌘⌃P** go to project
**⌘R** go to methods
**⌃G** go to line
**⌘KB** toggle side bar
**⌘⇧P** command prompt
**⌃ \`** python console
**⌘⇧N** new window (useful for new project)


**⌘L** select line (repeat select next lines)
**⌘D** select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing)
**⌃⇧M** select content into brackets
**⌘⇧↩** insert line before
**⌘↩** inter line after
**⌃⇧K** delete line
**⌘KK** delete from cursor to end of line
**⌘K⌫** delete from cursor to start of line
**⌘⇧D** duplicate line(s)
**⌘J** join lines
**⌘KU** upper case
**⌘KL** lower case
**⌘ /** comment
**⌘⌥ /** block comment
**⌘Y** redo or repeat
**⌘⇧V** past and ident
**⌃ space** autocomplete (repeat to select next suggestion)
**⌃M** jump to matching brackets
**⌘U** soft undo (movement undo)
**⌘⇧U** soft redo (movement redo)


**⌘⇧A** select content into tag
**⌘⌥ .** close tag


**⌘F** find
**⌘⌥F** replace
**⌘⌥G** find next occurrence of current word
**⌘⌃G** select all occurrences of current word for multiple editing
**⌘⇧F** find in files


**⌘⌥1** single column
**⌘⌥2** two columns
**⌘⌥5** grid (4 groups)
**⌃[1,2,3,4]** focus group
**⌃⇧[1,2,3,4]** move file to group
**⌘[1,2,3…]** select tab


**⌘F2** toggle bookmark
**F2** next bookmark
**⇧F2** previous bookmark
**⌘⇧F2** clear bookmarks


**⌘K space** set mark
**⌘KW** delete from cursor to mark
**⌘KA** select from cursor to mark
**⌘KG** clear mark


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