MATLAB code for estimating and displaying events in spiking activity from laminar data recorded in the Superior Colliculus.
‘analysis_#’ functions are the main display and analysis functions of the data across all sessions. They call subfunctions or rely on saved results of subfunctions named ‘compute_#’.
analysis_vmi: displays VMI
analysis_peak_latencyfrompeak: displays onset of burst activity during visual epoch
analysis_delay_avg: displays activity during delay epoch
analysis_onset_buildup_avg: displays onsets of buildup and burst events during pre-saccadic epoch
‘compute_#’ functions: compute features of the spiking activity for each session usually save the results in a separate matrix for each session (in directory results/).
‘get_#’ functions: dedicated subfunctions called by ‘analysis_#’ or ‘compute_#’ functions
get_inflection_2pwlr: computes inflection point using 2 piece-wise linear fit between 2 points.
‘plot_#’ functions: functions to plot results
plot_stats_depths_v: plot results with their statistical estimation across depth and for a vertical display
Reference: please cite paper: Massot C., Jagadisan U.K. & Gandhi N.J., Sensorimotor transformation elicits systematic patterns of activity along the dorsoventral extent of the superior colliculus in the macaque monkey, (to appear in) Communications Biology, 2019.