This is a project created for the Udacity Full-stack Web Developer Nanodegree. Originally, it used a custom-configured Linux server hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to run a website. It has now been rehosted using a server on Digital Ocean.
To view the front-end of the website, simply direct a browser to
To access the server, SSH using port 2200 to the following IP address: An rsa key file is required, and will be provided as part of the project submission, along with the name of the user to connect as.
- libapache2-mod-wsgi
- libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev
- postgresql
- postgresql postgresql-contrib
- git
- sqlalchemy
- python-pip
- psycopg2
- python psycopg2
- libpd-dev
- virtualenv
- Flask
- ntp
- httplib2
- requests
- flask-seasurf
- oauth2client
- users added according to project specifications
- sudo permission assigned as required
- remote login of root disabled
- SSH set to require rsa key for user connection
- SSH port set to 2200
- UFW refuses all connections except SSH, HTTP, and NTP
- local timezone set to UTC
- PostgreSQL user 'catalog' added with permission to the project database
- ownership and group of project files/folders assigned to server user 'catalog'
- apache2 server configured to host custom wsgi app
- virtual environment set up to install Python modules necessary for the project without altering server Python modules