Arithmetic done.
Function calls done: try a nested function or returning a function.
If/else done.
While, do/while and for done.
All arithmetic, bitwise and logical operators done
Increment and decrement working.
Scoping/shadowing working
Arguments(parameters) working
Global variables.
Assignment operators
Switch, break and continue implemented
Pointers working!
Types partially implemented: long, short, float: char might work sort of
Floating point working: declarations, add, sub, mul, div: float arrays dont work & returning probably doesnt.
Goto has been written but doesnt work due to label issues: some bison issue (very strange) probably a sign from the gods
Stress-test the above: everything needs to be properly properly tested.
General optimisation that will not be done because it isnt marked:
Better use of registers (i.e. stop loading from v0 to t0, back into v0)
Use of registers for STORING variables (s0-s7) : could be very complex
AST level optimisation
More intelligent use of the stack?
Neaten flow control and return statements, currently horrible
... and probably more
STRUCTS : very low priority