mainly for linux, can be adapted for windows
java 21 is installed litestrike is compiled
make a new directory and enter it
download paper: move paper jar to the directory
run paper jar $ java -jar <paper_server_jar_name> - you can add the -nogui option to the end of the command to prevent the gui
accept the paper eula
start server again and stop it when done starting
remove all the directorys starting with "world"
open set allow-nether=false set online-mode=false DONT CHANGE DEFUALT WORLD NAME TODO how to set resource pack set spawn-monsters=false
open bukkit.yml set allow-end: false
Proxy Setup:
Download Velocity from [link here]
Start it up in the same way as the Paper server so it generates the files, then shut it down
In the Paper server, set online-mode to false.
In paper_server_dir/config/paper-global.yml, Look for:
enabled: false
online-mode: true
secret: ''
Set enabled to true and copy the contents from velocity_server_dir/forwarding.secret and paste it into secret:, like so
secret: ************
In the Paper server, set server-ip to (if running on the same machine) and server-port to something thats not port forwarded
In Velocity's velocity.toml under [servers], Add the Paper server with the correct IP and Port
Start up both servers, use /server to go to the litestrike server and thats it
move the directory containing the litestrike map into the server directory -make sure the map is called "world" -make sure it contains a valid map_config.json file
go into plugin folder -download latest version of protocolib and move it here -move compiled litestrike jar into here
go back to server directory
start the server, it should now be ready!
you might have to set yourself to op