In the root of Mutarator project
mvn clean compile assembly:single
This will produce an executable in target folder.
Move the previously generated executable into the root of the custom project.
It would look like the following picture:
Execute the following command with desired kinds of mutators
java -cp mutarator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar edu.illinois.mutarator.Main <Mutator Tag>
Mutator Name | Tag |
Arithmetic Operator Deletion | AOD |
Arithmetic Operator Replacement | AOR |
Bitwise Operator Replacement | BO |
Conditionals Boundary | CB |
Math | Math |
Negate Conditionals | NC |
Relational Operator Replacement | ROR |
Argument Propagation | AP |
Member Variable | MV |
Naked Receiver | NR |
Empty Return | ER |
False Return | FR |
Null Return | Null |
Primitive Return | PR |
True Return | TR |
Increment | Increment |
Invert Negatives | IN |
Unary Operation Insertion | UOI |
Constant Replacement | CR |
Switch Block Mutation | Switch |