Written in Python 3.5.1 using the curses module for terminal display and control.
The game supports two different gameplay options, the first will end the game when a wall is hit by the head of the snake and the second allows the snake to pass through the walls to the other side. The game will only end if the snake runs into its body, in option 2.
To choose solid walls select option 1 on the selection screen, selecting option 2 will allow the snake to pass through the walls to the other side.
Written and tested on Mac OS El Capitan
To run the game, download the files or clone the repository and place in a directory of your choice. Navigate to that directory using the terminal and type "python3 snake_main.py" into the window, then press enter.
You must have python 3.x.x installed on your computer to run.
Compatible with Mac OS and Linux
Resume..............Any Direction Key