Following resources would be created using this repo.
- VPC and subnet
- GKE regional cluster (default region: europe-west1, default name: demo-application) with a nodepool
- Relevant service accounts
- Container registry (GCR)
- Secret "gcr-json-key" for docker image pull access for deployments
- Static IP address
- Cloud DNS, DNS Zone with A type record set pointing to static IP
- nginx ingress-controller
- cert-manager and letsencrypt
- This repo's Dockerfile is used to create image (japrakash/cci-terraform-light-gcloudsdk:0.0.1) with terraform and gcloud sdk
Find out a GCP project or create a new one and then create a bucket e.g. "demo-application-tfstate-eu-gcs" for saving terraform state.
Create a service account "cicd-pipeline" which will be used to run pipelines. Download its key file in json format and use as GCP_CREDS value.
Create below mentioned env variables in CircleCi with respective values
CLUSTER_NAME = demo-application CLUSTER_REGION = europe-west1 GCP_CREDS = <json file contents created in step 2> GCP_PROJECT = Jagendraatal Prakash Contino DNS_NAME =
Let the pipeline run and that should create complete infra.
Need to create a serviceaccount for dns by running below commands.
$ PROJECT_ID=myproject-id $ gcloud iam service-accounts create dns01-solver --display-name "dns01-solver" $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID
--member serviceAccount:dns01-solver@$
--role roles/dns.admin $ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json
--iam-account dns01-solver@$ $ kubectl create secret generic cert-manager-credentials
PodSecurityPolicy (pod_security_policy_config) for cluster is currently disable. So need to enable it.
Automation of new project, terraform state bucket and service account creation.
Introduce tflint and tfsec checks in pipeline.
No requirements.
Name | Version |
n/a | |
google-beta | n/a |
random | n/a |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
default_max_nodes_per_zone_per_pool | n/a | string |
"3" |
no |
default_min_nodes_per_zone_per_pool | n/a | string |
"1" |
no |
disk_size_gb | n/a | string |
"100" |
no |
disk_type | n/a | string |
"pd-standard" |
no |
gcr_bucket_name | The bucket name for the Google Container Registry | any |
n/a | yes |
initial_node_count | n/a | string |
"1" |
no |
machine_type | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
min_master_version | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
name | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
node_ip_range | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
node_pool_oauth_scopes | The oauth scope(s) to apply to the node pools | list(string) |
[ |
no |
nodepool_count | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
pod_ip_range | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
preemptible | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
region | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
service_ip_range | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
cluster_ca_certificate | n/a |
cluster_endpoint | n/a |
cluster_master_version | n/a |
cluster_name | n/a |
cluster_region | n/a |
network_name | n/a |
service_account_email | n/a |
subnet_name | n/a |