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vault - Contentful Offline Persistence for Android

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Vault is an Android library that simplifies persistence of Resources from Contentful via SQLite. It defines a Java representation of Contentful models. At compile-time Vault creates a corresponding database schema by generating all the required boilerplate code and injecting it into the classpath. It is also bundled with a complementary lightweight runtime which exposes a simple ORM-like API for pulling resources from the generated database.

What is Contentful?

Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Contentful, unlike any other CMS, is built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.

Table of contents


Install the dependency by

  • Maven
  • Gradle
apt 'com.contentful.vault:compiler:3.2.6'
compile 'com.contentful.vault:core:3.2.6'
  • Gradle 3.+
annotationProcessor 'com.contentful.vault:compiler:3.2.6'
annotationProcessor 'com.contentful.vault:core:3.2.6'
compile 'com.contentful.vault:core:3.2.6'

Note for Gradle: Use the android-apt Gradle plugin, which configures compile-time dependencies only. Note for Gradle 3.0 and newer: Use the annotationProcessor instead of apt.


Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository.


Models and Fields

Models are defined by declaring a subclass of the Resource class. Annotate the class with @ContentType, which takes the Content Type's ID as its value.

Fields are defined by annotating class attributes with the @Field annotation:

public class Cat extends Resource {
  @Field public String name;
  @Field public Cat bestFriend;
  @Field public Asset image;

By default, the name of the attribute is used as the field's ID, but can also be specified explicitly:

public String someField; 

Field ids are escaped, however when making queries with a WHERE condition it is up to the caller to escape the field name in case it is a reserved keyword. For example:

public class Foo extends Resource {
  @Field public String order;

Since order is a reserved SQLite keyword, making a query which references that field is done as following:

    .where("`" + Foo$Fields.ORDER "` = ?", "bar")


Spaces are classes annotated with the @Space annotation. It is required to specify the Space ID, an array of Model classes and an array of locale codes wanted to be persisted:

    value = "cfexampleapi",
    models = { Cat.class },
    locales = { "en-US", "tlh" }
public class DemoSpace { }


Once a Space is defined, Vault is invoked to synchronize the local database with Contentful:

// Client
CDAClient client = CDAClient.builder()

// Sync
Vault.with(context, DemoSpace.class).requestSync(client);

Vault uses a worker thread to request updates from the Sync API and reflect the changes in its database. Once sync is completed, Vault fires a broadcast with the action Vault.ACTION_SYNC_COMPLETE.

Providing a SyncCallback results in it beeing invoked once sync is completed:

class SomeActivity extends Activity {
  SyncCallback callback;
  @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Vault.with(this, DemoSpace.class).requestSync(client, callback = new SyncCallback() {
      @Override public void onResult(SyncResult result) {
        if (result.isSuccessful()) {
          // Success \o/
        } else {
          // Failure
  @Override protected void onDestroy() {

Note: Extra care needs to be taken for the lifecycle: Cancelling the callback on lifecycle events is important.

Similarly using RxJava notifies of sync results via an Observable:

Vault.observeSyncResults() // returns Observable<SyncResult>


Vault provides a wrapper around its generated database which fetches persisted objects:

Vault vault = Vault.with(context, DemoSpace.class);

// Fetch the first Cat
// Fetch the most recently updated Cat
    .order(Cat$Fields.UPDATED_AT + " DESC")

// Fetch a Cat with a specific name
    .where(Cat$Fields.NAME + " = ?", "Nyan Cat")

// Fetch a Cat with a specific name pattern
    .where(Cat$Fields.NAME + " LIKE ?", "%Nyan%")

// Fetch a Cat with a specific boolean field
// SQLite is storing booleans as 0/1 
    .where(Cat$Fields.IS_GRUMPY + " = ?", "1")
// Fetch all Cats, ordered by creation date:

// Fetch all Cats, using the Klingon locale:

Using RxJava queries are created by the observe() method, for example:

    .where(Cat$Fields.NAME + " = ?", "Happy Cat")
    .all() // returns Observable<Cat>

The above example creates an Observable that subscribes and observes on the same thread initiating the query. However, it changes if this typical use-case is used:



Whenever changes are introduced to any of the previously used Models, a migration has to be applied. Increment the version number to trigger a migration:

@Space(value = "cfexampleapi", models = { Cat.class }, dbVersion = 2)
public class DemoSpace { }

Note: this deletes any previously persisted data and reaquires them.


Depending on the amount of content in a given space, initial synchronization might take some time. For that support to pre-seed the database with static content got added.

For creating an initial database file, use the VaultDatabaseExporter. This class takes an Android Context and a Vault Space. Calling the .export(..) method, it creates a sqlite database in src/main/assets/initial_seed.db. Vault is instructed to use this as follows:

    value = "{spaceid}", // space id of the space to use
    models = { Cat.class },  // model classes to be used
    copyPath = "initial_seed.db" // name of the just created database file.
public class VaultSpace { }

The database file is updated by leveraging a robolectric test before releasing. This test syncs Contentful data to the existing database.

A simple test suite looks like this:

public class TestSeedDB {
 @literal @Test
  public void testSyncDBtoSqlite() throws Exception {
    final Activity activity = Robolectric.setupActivity(Activity.class);

    assertTrue(new VaultDatabaseExporter().export(activity, VaultSpace.class, VaultSpace.TOKEN));

The database content will always be uptodate when those tests get executed. If an error happens this test will fail and information about next steps will be given.

Note: In order to add this functionality to an already shipped app, the dbVersion value has to be increased, as it causes invalidation of any pre-existing content.


Grab the ProGuard configuration file and apply to your project.


Javadoc is available here.


Copyright 2017 Contentful, GmbH.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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  • Use the community slack channel: Contentful Community Slack

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  • File an issue here File an issue.

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  • File a support ticket at Contentful Customer Support: File support ticket

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