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CityATM/ UDVeo: UDP MQTT Gateway

This application will forward raw data received on a UDP port to the specified MQTT topic.

Only the POSIX(-style) socket API is supported and unfortunately the application will also only bind to the IPv4 socket.

Installation and Requirements

Prerequisites: Eclipse Paho MQTT Client Library

Assuming, that you have a C build toolchain ready (see below), go to a directory of your choice and do:

git clone --depth 1 --recursive -b v1.3.6 ./paho-mqtt-c
cd paho-mqtt-c

sudo make install

Prepatation of Deployment Target (Linux)

This chapter describes the steps needed to compile on the deployment target. For the full development toolchain, with all tools helping you develop the application, see the next chapter.

The following commands assume, that Debian Buster (of a linux distribution based on it) is used.

To setup the build environment, do:

  • sudo apt install build-essential gcc make cmake clang libssl-dev
  • Install the Eclipse Paho MQTT library (see above)
  • Git-clone this repository somewhere you like and cd to that directory
  • See the Installation chapter how to compile and install

Prepatation of Development Environment

This chapter, in contrast to the previous one, contains a more generic description, how to install a development toolchain. To make development of this software a bit easier and safer, some additional tools are also installed.


For building everything, some tools are needed:

  • Install CMake (via the package manager of your choice)
  • Install GNU Make and GCC or even better Clang
  • Install clang-format for auto-formatting of the code (via the package manager of your choice)
    • If you are using Visual Studio Code, you might have to set the path to the formatter in the global setting (not the workspace settings!) at C_Cpp.clang_format_path
    • A suitable configuration file (.clang-format) is present at the root of this repository and should be detected automatically.
    • Before every commit, the code must be auto-formatted using clang-format.
  • If you are using VS Code or VSCodium:
    • Install the ms-vscode.cpptools, ms-vscode.cmake-tools and twxs.cmake extensions

(Optional) Static Code Analyzer: Clang-Tidy

This project uses clang-tidy as static analyzer/ linter. It is a very powerful tool, which comes with checks for many common coding style flaws, that might lead to bugs or even security issues.

Install on macOS with homebrew:

brew install llvm
ln -s "$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang-tidy" "/usr/local/bin/clang-tidy"

Install on Debian (Buster) with:

sudo apt install clang-tidy


Move to the directory, where this git repository was cloned to.

For a cleaner workspace, all build activity is done in a separate directory:

mkdir build && cd build

Then the build environment can be configured and the code built with:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j5

(The -j parameter tells the make system to run multiple compilers in parallel. You can use j = $num_CPU_cores + 1 as a starting point and double that number, if your CPU uses hyper-threading.)

If you want to build a version with debug symbols, re-configure CMake (and run make again):

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Note: Your IDE might have support for CMake built in, like VS Code with a Build button and selector for Debug and Release configuration in the bottom bar.

The executable can be installed (to usr/local/bin on Linux) with:

sudo make install

# (optional) copy the example config
cp udpmqttgw.example.conf /etc/udpmqttgw.conf

# (optional) symlink the config to the home directory
ln -s /etc/udpmqttgw.conf /home/root/udpmqttgw.conf

# (optional) install a systemd unit
cp udpmqttgw.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable udpmqttgw.service
sudo systemctl start udpmqttgw.service


After installing the application, a configuration file must be prepared. An example file udpmqttgw.example.conf is located at the root of this repository. By default, the application searches for the file at /etc/udpmqttgw.conf.

The application can be started with:

udpmqttgw -c=/path/to/config -v

The configuration file path is optional and the -v flag increases the verbosity of the output. All CLI parameters are explaied when calling the application with the -h flag.

The different config file options for the MQTT connection are named in the same way, as the Paho MQTT library uses them. For a full documentation, what each option does, see the Paho library documentation. The TLS options can be found at the MQTTClient_SSLOptions struct.


Debug output (to stdout) of the MQTT library is controlled by environment variables:

export MQTT_C_CLIENT_TRACE_LEVEL=PROTOCOL # one of: ERROR, PROTOCOL, MINIMUM, MEDIUM and MAXIMUM (from least to most verbose)