pomo.sh is a simple Pomodoro timer written in bash with minimal dependencies. It is designed to be easy to use from the command-line and integrates nicely into status bar such as xmobar.
None necessary. Either place pomo.sh on your PATH or run it by specifying the full path.
pomo.sh [-h] [start | stop | pause | restart | clock | notify | usage]
- -h
- Print usage message.
- start
- Start Pomodoro timer.
- stop
- Stop Pomodoro timer.
- pause
- Pause Pomodoro timer.
- restart
- Restart a paused Pomodoro timer.
- clock
- Print how much time (minutes and seconds) is remaining in the current Pomodoro cycle. A prefix of B indicates a break period, a prefix of W indicates a work period and a prefix of P indicates the current period is paused.
- notify
- Raise a notification at the end of every Pomodoro work and break block (requires notify-send). Note that this action (unlike all others) does not terminate and is best run in the background.
- usage
- Print this usage message.
Environment variables:
- Location of the Pomodoro file used to store the duration of the Pomodoro period (mostly using timestamps). Multiple Pomodoro timers can be run by using different files. Default: $HOME/.local/share/pomo.
- Duration of the work period in minutes. Default: 25.
- Duration of the break period in minutes. Default: 5.
To start a new Pomodoro session, pause and stop a running Pomodoro session respectively:
$ pomo.sh start $ pomo.sh pause $ pomo.sh stop
To see how much time is left in the current Pomodoro block:
$ pomo.sh clock
pomo.sh can also send notifications about the end of work and break blocks using notification-daemon and send-notify. This involves pomo.sh sleeping until the end of a block and so is best run in the background:
$ pomo.sh notify &
The clock command is ideal for running from inside xmobar, e.g. in the xmobar configuration file:
Config { commands = [ -- rest of commands , Run Com "pomo.sh" ["clock"] "pomo" 10" ] -- rest of config }
The output of the clock command can then be inserted into the xmobar template
using %pomo%
bash, GNU coreutils (cat, cut, date, printf, sleep, stat, touch, wc).
On Linux, the notify action also requires send-notify (supplied by libnotify) and an implementation of notification-daemon.
On MacOS, you can use `homebrew<https://brew.sh/>`_ to install coreutils.
Pymodoro contains many more features but I wanted something a little simpler.