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A web application that keeps track of the Codeforces statistics of a particular organization, along with leaderboards, user comparison and data visualization.


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Codeforces Stats Portal

Flask Next JS

Welcome to the repository of the Codeforces Stats Portal!

The Stats Portal is a web application that keeps track of the Codeforces statistics of the members of a particular Codeforces organization and allows you to view the relevant analytics through means of data visualization.

View a deployed demo here:

Table of Contents


I. Data Visualization

Interesting analytics for the entire organization are visualized by means of interactive charts and plots. Statistics for an individual user can be visualized as well.

II. Leaderboards

The leaderboards provide a way of finding out where one stands among other members of the organization, as well as the top members of the organization.

III. Compare Users

The Stats Portal lets you view the statistics of any number of users in the organization side-by-side to compare them. 2 or more users can be compared at the same time.

IV. Statistics over Time Periods

The Stats Portal presents statistics for 4 time periods:

  • All-time
  • The current month
  • The current week
  • The current day

The desired time period can be toggled by the user via a dropdown provided above the charts.

Built With

The Docker setup involves two additional services:

Getting Started

I. With Docker

i. Development

  1. Clone the repository and change the working directory to the root directory of the repository.
cd Stats-Portal
  1. Create a .env file in the project directory. You can use the .env.template file as a template using the following command.
cp .env.template .env

You can then fill in the required values in the .env file.

  1. Run the following command to start the Docker containers for the services.
docker-compose up -d

The application should now be accessible at localhost:8080.

Note: Run docker-compose down to stop the containers.

ii. Production

Run the following command to run the docker-compose command using docker-compose.production.yml.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up -d

The application should now be accessible at localhost:8080.

II. Without Docker

Clone the repository and change the working directory to the root directory of the repository.

cd Stats-Portal

i. Backend

  1. Change the working directory to the api directory.
cd api
  1. Set up a virtual environment. For example, if you are using the venv module, you can use the following command to create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv <name of virtual environment>

You can then activate the virtual environment by running the following command:

source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
  1. Install the dependencies within the virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a .env file in the api directory. You can use the .env.template file as a template using the following command.
cp .env.template .env

You can then fill in the required values in the .env file.

  1. The app is now ready to be run. Run the app with the Gunicorn server.
gunicorn -c wsgi:app

The backend should now be running on localhost:5000.

Note: The virtual environment can be exited by running the deactivate command.

ii. Frontend

  1. Change the working directory to the client directory.
cd client
  1. Install the required dependencies.
npm install
  1. Create a .env.local file in the client directory. You can use the .env.template file as a template using the following command.
cp .env.template .env.local

You can then fill in the required values in the .env.local file.

  1. The app is now ready to be run. Run the app.
npm run dev

The frontend should now be running on localhost:3000.

iii. Production

In order to make the application production-ready, a few changes would have to be made to the environment.

  1. In the api directory, set the value of the FLASK_ENV environment variable in the created .env file to production. This will ensure that the Flask backend is run in production mode. In production mode, debug log statements are disabled and only error messages along with the stack trace of the error are logged.

  2. In the client directory, ensure that BASE_URL in the .env file is set to the correct value, be it the URL of the deployed backend or http://localhost:5000. In addition, set the values of SENTRY_DSN, NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN, SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN, SENTRY_ORG and SENTRY_PROJECT to ensure a successful build of the Next.js frontend, as well as proper error tracking during production.

  3. While the Flask backend is hosted, either locally or remotely, run the following command in the client directory.

npm run build

This will build the application (generating the static pages of the frontend). To start the application, run

npm start

The frontend should now be running on localhost:3000.


Once the setup has been completed, a scheduled task in the backend will automatically fetch data from Codeforces at regular intervals, according to the set value of UPDATE_INTERVAL in the .env file, and update the database.

The frontend will present this data in the form of charts and graphs. In development mode, the data fetched from the backend will always be up-to-date. In production mode (when the Next.js application is built), the up-to-date data will be fetched from the backend thanks to SWR.

For an example of what the frontend will look like once the database is populated with data, refer to the working demo.


This software is open source, licensed under the MIT License.


A web application that keeps track of the Codeforces statistics of a particular organization, along with leaderboards, user comparison and data visualization.







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