Fig.2 The weight scale remodeled by ESP32-HX711-MTT
- The original control board with LCD is removed. Load cells and push button of the scale are re-used.
- ESP32 sends weight to MQTT server at port 2883.
- Node-RED on raspberry pi splits incoming MQTT at 2883 to Thingsboard at port 1883 and "slack" node to inform to my mobile phone.
Fig.4 Node-RED running on raspberry pi
- sometimes WiFi reconnection fails after wake up from deep sleep
- [AVIA Semiconductor HX711 data sheet]
- []
- [HX711 library for ESP32]
- [#161 Measuring weight using an ESP32, a strain gauge, and a HX711]
- [#194 IKEA Saltviken Scale Hack: Create a 150kg Scale Connected to Google Firebase (ESP32, ESP8266)]