This application use google map api and zomato api to do a restaurants finding function.
node >= 7.6.0
- Enables building universal SPAs
- A modern redux architecture
- Hot reloading of CSS-modules
- Fast server side hot reloading
- 99% ES-next code-base
- Hot reloading unit tests in a browser
- A comprehensive functional and unit test suite
- A lucid code-base
- A pretty console output
- Useful debugging tools
Use the following commands to get started on your new app.
Clone the project
cd <directory-name>
npm i
mv example.env .env (Note: Add your zomato api info and google map info in .env file)
npm start
With the default .env
file, this will start your application in development mode on port 9001. It also provides a configuration for running the debugger with a useful console output.
Open a browser window at
Reactjs Base uses the following libraries at its core:
- webpack - A module bundler.
- babel - A JavaScript compiler.
- webpack-isomorphic-tools - Library for isomorphic rendering.
- koa - A lightweight server framework.
- koa-router - Router middleware for koa.
- - A node engine for WebSocket communication.
- - An adapter for sharing redux actions over WebSockets.
- react - A library for building interfaces.
- redux - A library for state management.
- react-router - A routing library for React.
- react-router-redux - Binding between react-router and redux.
- redial - Universal data fetching for React.
- redux-saga - Side effect management for redux.
- reselect - A library for creating state selectors.
- redux-promise-middleware - A redux middleware for creating asynchronous actions.
- react-intl-redux – Redux bindings for react-intl
- react-intl – React intl support
- react-intl-translations-manager – Manage all translations based on the extracted messages of the babel-plugin-react-intl
- lodash - A popular modular utility library.
- ramda - A modular utility library focused on functional programming.
- immutable - Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
- Semantic-ui-react - A web UI library for react
- SCSS - A popular CSS preprocessor.
- PostCSS - CSS transformations with JavaScript.
- css-modules - A build step for modular, local scoped CSS management.
npm run start [-- --open]
Builds and serves app with hot reloading and debugging support.
Build client-side app
npm run build
Creates bundles and assets into ./src/static
directory. Reads .env
but always uses production Webpack configuration.
Start the server
Set the NODE_ENV flag to production in your .env file.
npm start
Expects bundles and assets to exist in the ./src/static
directory. Runs the server in production mode.
Unit test development server
npm run test:server
Start a test server using Mocha and Webpack-middleware. Provides a browser based testing environment. Loading tests from within ./src
where extension is .test.js
Unit test single run
npm run test:unit
Runs the test suite in a node environment through mocha, once.
Functional/integration tests run
npm run test:func
Runs functional tests inside ./test/functional
npm run lint
npm run lint:styles
Reads .eslintrc
and sass-lint.yml
for linting configurations.
npm run coverage
npm run coverage:check
Reads .istanbul.yml
for thresholds in check.