Data from ACLED's Ukraine Crisis datasets, which can be obtained through creating a free account.
Obtain Ukraine_Black_Sea_2020_2023_Mar10.xlsx
from ACLED.
See the accompanying ipython jupyter notebook: acled_analysis.ipynb
Total missile events (only those with category "Air")
Total "Air" strikes, including missile events
Missile (only those with category "Air") vs all "Air" events
Missile events vs all "Air strike" events
Scatter plot of "missile" events, 1-dimensional
Scatter plot of "missile" events, 2-dimensional
Scatter plot of "missile" events, 2-dimensional
Autocorrelation of missile events
Missile events, cumulative, regression fitted
Missile "barrages" (more than 10 per day), scatter plot 2-dimensional
Missile "barrages" (more than 10 per day), scatter plot 1-dimensional