- There are 2 sections to be aware of, the directors section and the subsystems sections. They are each respectively between <section...
- Find the section for the change you want and copy the element with inside the class name: "profile [name]" -->this is an example of a profile and what needs to be changed for new profile (copy this to insert new profile).
<div class="profile [name] hidden noMove left">
<div class="goToProfile" id="goTo[Name]"></div>
<div class="imageWrapper">
<img class="portrait" src="assets/portraits/[get Photo name added to the assets folder].JPG" alt="">
<a class="link linkedin" href="[add linkedin link of the person]">
<svg class="social linkedin" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="black">
<path d="M24,4H6C4.895,4,4,4.895,4,6v18c0,1.105,0.895,2,2,2h18c1.105,0,2-0.895,2-2V6C26,4.895,25.105,4,24,4z M10.954,22h-2.95 v-9.492h2.95V22z M9.449,11.151c-0.951,0-1.72-0.771-1.72-1.72c0-0.949,0.77-1.719,1.72-1.719c0.948,0,1.719,0.771,1.719,1.719 C11.168,10.38,10.397,11.151,9.449,11.151z M22.004,22h-2.948v-4.616c0-1.101-0.02-2.517-1.533-2.517 c-1.535,0-1.771,1.199-1.771,2.437V22h-2.948v-9.492h2.83v1.297h0.04c0.394-0.746,1.356-1.533,2.791-1.533 c2.987,0,3.539,1.966,3.539,4.522V22z"></path>
<p class="first">[First name] <span class="last"><br>[LAST NAME]</span></p>
<p class="position">[position in the team]</p>
- CHANGE ALSO in the index.html, in the section team:
--> IMPORTANT: add to both "<"div class="teamSlide">
--> this time add this profile code:
<div class="profile [name]">
<div class="imageWrapper">
<img class="portrait" src="assets/portraits/[person file pic].JPG" alt="">
<a class="link linkedin" href="team.html#goTo[Name]">
<p>[First name] <span class="last"><br>[LAST NAME]</span></p>
- To remove it is easy, it's just about deleting the div with the profile you wish to remove, do this both on the index.html and the team.html
- Very similar to the team profiles, identify sponsorship tier (bronze,silver,gold,platinum), then go to correct div element in the html.
- In each tier sponsors are seperated 2 by 2, so create a new frameSponso if needed:
<div class="frameSponso two hidden"> <!-- (this can hold 2 sponsors) -->
<a href="">
<div class="spacer" id="goToQuaketek"></div>
<img src="assets/sponsors/Quaketek_360.png" alt="">
<!-- space for other sponsor -->
- for each sponsor change these:
<a href="[sponsor link]">
<div class="spacer" id="goTo[Sponsor name]"></div>
<img src="assets/sponsors/[sponsor file(.png or .svg)].png" alt="">
- To delete same as for the team page, just verify if the frameSponso still has sponsor left, if not delete it.