A python envrionment. Alternatively, the library is made to be used with poetry.
Install poetry:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
Install the dependencies from the library folder:
poetry install
You can then either launch a script with
poetry run python your_script.py
or activate the virtual environment withpoetry shell
Here is the list of packages and what they do:
- driving dataset: a package to work with the DDD17 driving dataset.
- events: a package to create, modify and convert event files.
- frames: a package to do traditional frame analysis.
- spiking_network: a package to modify, visualize and launch the SNN of the neuvisys project.
There is two jupyter-notebooks which offer an interface to most of the packaged functions mentioned before:
- Neuvisys.ipynb: Used to visualize various information from a spiking network.
- Utils.ipynb: Used to launch and modify spiking networks.